
Showing posts from September, 2018

Week #23 - Plant, Grow, Share!!

This week has gone so fast!  But we have met so many wonderful people!   We ran into Edwin as he was walking home from high school and shared with him the joy of being a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the things we knew to be true. We got his number and scheduled a time to meet with him again. We met with him and he said he was so confused about why or even how we were so passionate about our religion. As we shared the message of the Restoration you could feel the spirit so strong. It's been awhile since I've really felt the Spirit this strong. God has prepared him for this day and has something AMAZING in store for him. His desire to learn more, humility and love for God is powerful. I'm excited see where God takes him:)  I've been studying Jesus the Christ and when I read this it stood out to me and gave me more of a purpose in understanding that each of us need that strong foundation, and when we are bui

Week #22 - Smell the Roses

Kingston is beautiful it reminds me a lot of Windsor and the people are amazing!  The Members are so sweet and always looking out for each other. We have received many member referrals of people that need a reboot. I love being able to be apart of this ward.  I'm grateful to be a missionary :) This transfer God is teaching me to have fun and enjoy being a missionary.  I remember you telling me to enjoy being a missionary and to "smell the roses" haha.  I definitely stressed my self to the max and I feel Heavenly Father has helped me learn to chill out.  I feel I am starting to learn what the real meaning of patience is, especially with myself :) I am finding more happiness then I've felt and its not only the spiritual side, but it is my well being too.  Life is just so much more beautiful as I stay centered and focused on knowing that I am a daughter of God, with the potential of his inherent gifts and talents as a part of me. I've learned a

Week #21 - Transferring to Kingston!

 Brittany came to say goodbye on her way to BYU! Sister Child!! :) Pamela is an Angel!! Today is transfer day and I found out that I will now be serving in Kingston which is on complete opposite of Windsor hahh and we also don't have a computer so I'll try and type as much off my phone. Windsor was the greatest! I loved every second of it. I've met so many wonderful people and learned so many new things. God is amazing and is mindful of each one of us. He specifically sends certain people to us to help us grow and become more like He is. Sister Rees

Week #20 - Your Faith & Prayers have Made me Stronger!

Thank you to everyone that sent over talks, advice, insights. I have no idea how to explain it, but somehow each person that sent a message at the times I read them were the EXACT time I needed to hear It! I don't know how it happened hahha.  Kinda in shock but they were purely inspired. I still need more help though, Lotsss of it! I've found myself being prideful and swallowed up in the pride of myself and I want to get rid of it more then anything! I've been so focused on being a missionary I forget the reason I am here. To LOVE others. Not only the people I am serving, but the people I am closest to. Sister Child is obviously a missionary because the things she shared really hit deep.  -Live by the Spirit of the Law, not the Letter of the Law -Don't let a problem that needs to be resolved be put before a person that needs to be loved. I love Sister Child so much.  She has qualities like Aunt Christina - so loving, genuine, pure, and filled with the Spirit