Week #20 - Your Faith & Prayers have Made me Stronger!

Thank you to everyone that sent over talks, advice, insights. I have no idea how to explain it, but somehow each person that sent a message at the times I read them were the EXACT time I needed to hear It! I don't know how it happened hahha.  Kinda in shock but they were purely inspired. I still need more help though, Lotsss of it! I've found myself being prideful and swallowed up in the pride of myself and I want to get rid of it more then anything! I've been so focused on being a missionary I forget the reason I am here. To LOVE others. Not only the people I am serving, but the people I am closest to. Sister Child is obviously a missionary because the things she shared really hit deep. 
-Live by the Spirit of the Law, not the Letter of the Law
-Don't let a problem that needs to be resolved be put before a person that needs to be loved.

I love Sister Child so much.  She has qualities like Aunt Christina - so loving, genuine, pure, and filled with the Spirit.  We had a baptism last week of John Couture.  What a great person he is!  It was amazing the struggle that happened before he entered the waters of baptism.  There are definitely 2 opposing forces, but we know that God's side always wins!!

I have never felt such a struggle as I have felt recently.  Never in my life have I felt thoughts of confusion and darkness so strong when we have been working so hard!  I have recognized that satan is working hard to keep the good from happening, but the moment he comes in the strongest & the hardest in your life HOLD TO THE ROD. He comes in hardest when you are alone, questioning something, lost a loved one. At the moment a doubt or you question something.  REMEMBER to Hold To the Rod. Your faith is stronger, your testimony is more powerful. Everyday if you study the scriptures with REAL intent, Go to church willingly, honorably partake of the sacrament, and offering sincere prayer as a disciple of Jesus Christ -  I can promise you that you will see life in a whole new way. God has Promised you that if you build a strong foundation that requires faith, patience and diligence YOU WILL NOT FALL.  You have to build it though. When it talks about the parable of the sower you have to start with a good ground. Don't fake it or lie.  Be honest with yourself. Matthew 13:20-23 If you plant the seed on rocky ground you receive quick Joy and then it'll die.

How to build a Good Ground
1. Heareth the word    
2.Understandeth it
3. Beareth It
4.Bringeth forth

If this is the only thing you read or if nothing else the only thing you do, DO IT!! I can not express to you more then the power of Patience and Diligence. The Satisfaction at the end taste's a LOT better then it did before.But holy I can feel that God is preparing me for something AMAZING. I have only had a taste of the things God has shared with me. I will never deny the power He has and the truth that He lives. READ THE BOOK OF MORMON. The Book of Mormon is true, and the power of Ministering angels is real. Never lose sight of the Path towards God. He know the way. "The Power behind you is far greater then the obstacle ahead."
D&C 88:11 
I can testify that President Nelson is a Prophet of God, his apostles are called by God. God's hand is always in our life. 

I love you all and I know the things I share are true and of God. Fight the battle and look to God.

Thanks for everything!

Sister Rees


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