October 27th - Serena did her very last primary program and will be going to Young Women's this January! We knocked on a door and Kirna a mother visiting from India answered the door. We said we were sharing a message about Jesus Christ. She said "Jesus Christ?" "Come in" as we talked to her she said that she was praying for her husband in India that he would have water and she said God blessed him with it. She was so grateful we came and fed us food she was making for her family. October 30th - Tonight we went late night tracting and had many pass along cards and were going to hand them all out before 9pm. We handed every single one out but still had 5 min. I reached into my bag not looking and pulled put a card! We went to the closest home with lights on. We knocked and then a man in the basement opened the door and jumped back he didn't realize we were there. We shared the Book of Mormon and testified of Hope. He said he...