
Showing posts from April, 2018

Week #2 - Africa & Cinnamon Rolls - too much to handle!!

HELLO can we just talk about Cj's mission call??!??!! LIKE WHAT!? So excited for you Cj! Not like im surpised your going to Africa. The day you decided you chose the ground over your bed Heavenly Father knew that was your home. And Portuguease speaking! SO COOL!! and kaden!!! hows lacrosse?? Im sure you've profected it by now bc what aren't you good at!? Also thanks for package!! God bless gluten free food and delivery. With that lets give a big shout out to Papa Rees for being the real MVP and sending me a cinnomin roll!! Enjoyed every second of it! Also can we just have a little thank-a-mony about my green friend that got sent to me. LOVE IT! I made sure to take him to Yoga with me last night. Last but not least the Dark Chocolate!!! You know me to well Grandma and Grandpa <3 you know how to go in deep an hit my soft spot.  This last week 1/2 has been thee longessest week of my life. Sister Miller and I taught our TRC's already and I loved ev

Week #1 - 1st Week at the MTC!!

I've learned so much from the MTC its unreal! My companion Sister Miller is so sweet and reminds me a lot of Aunt Diane and Hannah Udy. With the very sweet Personality, Diligent and well balanced in her life. Its crazy how well everyone lines up with their companion so well! THERES NO WAY ITS A COINCEDENCE.  We've had our second day teaching our teacher as an investigator and I cant even began to explain how perfect it was! Sister Miller and I came out of the room hugged each other and thanked our Heavenly Father for how amazing he is. Our first lesson we challenged him to pray and then came back and challenged him to read the book of mormon. The best part is that when one of us didn't know what to say next the other would finish it off. The spirit was so strong. It felt as though the spirit was sitting right next to me telling me what to say, how to say it, and what to say next. I had a scripture on Faith came to me and I went to it and shar

Called To Serve!! Madison is Preparing to be a Missionary
