Week #2 - Africa & Cinnamon Rolls - too much to handle!!

HELLO can we just talk about Cj's mission call??!??!! LIKE WHAT!? So excited for you Cj! Not like im surpised your going to Africa. The day you decided you chose the ground over your bed Heavenly Father knew that was your home. And Portuguease speaking! SO COOL!! and kaden!!! hows lacrosse?? Im sure you've profected it by now bc what aren't you good at!? Also thanks for package!! God bless gluten free food and delivery. With that lets give a big shout out to Papa Rees for being the real MVP and sending me a cinnomin roll!! Enjoyed every second of it! Also can we just have a little thank-a-mony about my green friend that got sent to me. LOVE IT! I made sure to take him to Yoga with me last night. Last but not least the Dark Chocolate!!! You know me to well Grandma and Grandpa <3 you know how to go in deep an hit my soft spot. 

This last week 1/2 has been thee longessest week of my life. Sister Miller and I taught our TRC's already and I loved every second of it. I also learned so much about the Atonement and come to know really how sacred and wonderful it really is. It humbles me when I know that our Savior Volenteered to Die for each one of us. That he wanted to feel Your hurting Pain, Your sad and lonely Sorrows, and Your desires to do Wrong. He wanted to do that for us so that we could not only become perfect, but that we could Live with our Father again <3. We watched a film of Elder Bednar speaking with the Missionaries and he talked about how he bought a soft cover Book of Mormon and wrote a question on the front cover and then studied the Book of Mormon for the answer. I decided to try it and its crazy how one simple thing as looking for an answer can get me so involved and motivated. 

I am so grateful for trials and hard things that God allows us to go through. Because I know He's at the other end cheering us on with His arms wide open. I know that all God wants is for us is to be happy and if returning to him wouldn't make us happy he would'nt make it so hard for us to get there. When Satan is working the Hardest on me thats when I know Im doing my best. Satan doesn't want us to know what Joy feels like. Because once we do theres NOWAY we would want to be on his side. As long as we are doing all that God has asked of us He PROMISES that we won't have to do it alone. That through the process of hard times we can find Joy. 

  Sista Rees


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