Week #5 - Yesterday was Victoria's Day. So Today is our P-day!

 I can't believe Cj's already graduating!  Times gone by so fast! and now you're an Elder that holds the keys to the Melchizedek Priesthood. That is so special and is such an amazing privilege. God has now given you the gift of blessing and healing others and it is even more powerful to know that He considers you worthy to hold that power and take good care of it. The power of the Priesthood is so strong and I've been able to see the strength of it here on my Mission. The things that have happened have been unreal and there's noway I could describe it not being of God and from Him. 

Yesterday we were at the YSA BBQ and I talked to a man named Shaheen thats a convert to the church 8 years ago he said that he had a girlfriend that was meeting with missionaries and so he joined and he said when they were talking about the plan of salvation he got it. He said that he heard it before, some how he knew about this. He then told me about dreams He had and how powerful they were I felt the spirit so strong. He now is a ward missionary and has such a strong testimony of the Gospel. He shared with me things I've been needing to hear without even knowing. The spirit spoke right through him and was so powerful and hit me so hard. Something he shared was how to be an example. " To be an example you have to have no expectations, not expecting people to believe you, but sharing with them that You know it to be true." I loved that so much. Knowing what I know to be true is the most powerful thing you need on this earth and that is the most important thing to planting that seed in others and building them up. He also said to look for the why. Why am I where i'm at right now? Why am I a member of the Church? and why do I Love My Savior. Knowing the Why is so important and has built my testimony. 

Everyone has different experiences that help different people and gifts that are stronger then others that help bless people in ways that others can't. We're all wounded helping wounded. Not one is greater then the other. It doesn't matter how many times you fall, as long as you keep walking towards the Savior. He loves you and has given us the atonement to become new "because of Him peace can replace gilt, Healthy relationships can be restored, and Addictions can be over come." Elder M. Russell Ballard All He asks of  us is to put on the armor of God(daily Scripture study, prayer, worthily partaking of the sacrament, heartfelt service) and we will be able to face the battles against satan.

Love You all!

Sister Rees

Kumar recieved his endownments yesterday and President Shields allowed Sister Nish and I to attend, Prettiest lake side I have ever been to!! Would build a house right off it if I could, Sister nish and I waiting for Karl, YSA ward at the temple


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