Week #10 - What is Your Purpose!

Aw trek sounded so fun!!! I wish I could've gone!! What was you're favorite part?? I love how creative it was!! It sounds so fun and challenging! 

Today is Transfers and i'm staying in Churchville YSA and getting a new sister training leader!! We have a few new investigators and its so fun to teach them and see them light up and get it. We've had a few people say it made sense, or that they feel like they've heard this before. That's probably my FAVORITE thing. Everyone has some sort of knowledge of heaven, some truth that they've held on to and It's so cool to hear from so many different people truths they know and that gives them a taste of Joy. We have been teaching this guy named Sam and he loves nature, art, and music. He use to be atheist but he said its harder to prove to people that there isn't a God then it is to prove that there is. He believes there has to be some higher power but he also holds on to the rule of science. He has such amazing Christ like attributes of giving and meekness. You can see the light in him want to shine but its thirsting for more truth. He brought up circles and in his art he likes to use circles. When he brought it up it I immediately thought of Eternity. That it never ends and the beauty of it. It was so cool to see how interested he got. Hes held on to a truth but hasn't known the meaning behind it. This is my all time favorite part about missionary work is when people find their purpose. They find the gifts God has blessed them with and work to fulfill their mission on the earth. 

lots of lovee Sister Rees


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