Week #15 - The Power of Forgiveness

Hi All!     

Just this week we were on our way to visit an investigator and everything was going wrong. We missed our turn 3 times and ended up at the airport.  The member told us the wrong address and not to mention his phone didn't receive texts and they were on the bus to the destination but when they were calling us it was so scratchy and you couldn't hear anything. By the time we got there it was 8:40 so we only had 10 minutes before we had to turn around and go home. Once we arrived at our appointment, the spirit was so strong and we were able to set him on date for baptism. Satan knew that would happen and so he did everything he could to stop it. During that process there were so many times I could've gotten impatient and mad but I stopped and knew I was being tested so I looked at everything positive, the goods that were going on. If we would've given up and turned we may not of had such a spiritual experience and wouldn't of helped this investigator progress to eternal life. 

God will test us in many ways, look to him and our Savior for help because they will always be there. Not one of us are perfect that is why we trust God and not rely on man. To Fear God, not man. 

I can 100% promise you that because of the atonement I am learning to really forgive.  The feeling that I have felt when I asked God to help me after I humbled myself and turned to him was one of the most sacred experiences and feelings I've felt.  Yesterday my bishop also taught us about forgiveness  - the power and healing of the atonement. I took notes on it and would love to share them with you. 

Love you!  Sister Rees


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