Week #14 - Rotten Milk & Cow Tongue

I'm doing awesome!! The Asian man never came to church. We hope to catch up with him or run into him again.  We have 4 new people we've been teaching and Kassandra is getting baptized on August 12th!  We have met with many less actives too.  
Honeslty, if you could pray for anything it would be for me to be Diligent. Its hard to be Diligent when one week goes so good and the next everyone cancels on you. I've been studying a lot about it and will do everything I can to be diligent in all things. 

Fast week like always with tons of things happening but half of them I can't remember hah. Highlight of our week was the food though.The texture of this nice cow tongue was rubbery just like a tongue hah but tasted like any other meat. Its alright though because the Elders had the other end of the cow. Not the back side but where the digested food comes out of. Also I was making oatmeal the other day and ran out of my almond milk so I decided I'd go for the bagged and without checking the date I dumped it and it looked like water and cheese was coming out. It didn't look half as bad as it smelled though hahh nasstyyy. 

Wednesday (picture sister smith, me, gaby(member)) we met with these 2 preachers from a Christian church. They were very nice and very well dressed. Not to mention we went to an organic restaurant that was 9.75$ a smoothie?? They bought though. Anyway as we taught them they had a lot of questions and thank heavens we have the spirit to always be with us because they were throwing questions that the bishop couldn't even answer. At the beginning it was all good and then one of the preachers ...  (separate emails)
ok Im still not done. don't put your phone away.One of the preachers was sharing something that completely conflicted with what she was saying and then it just went down hill. We didn't tell her but she said it and then started getting frustrated and questioned us about how come we are not forcing them to join our religion.  Then she said,  "because I know its true". Some reason that made her more mad, I think she was just having a rough day. She didn't raise her voice or anything but she was veryyy passive aggressive. This week we also met Post Malone no joke he looked just like him!!! We invited him to church next week so when we see him again I'll make sure to get a picture with him. 

The last thing I wanted to share is this amazing picture of the Savior. I cherish this picture so so much<3 Seeing how happy the Savior is and everyone around Him, praising Him and knowing that the Savior would be so humble about it. He deserves this kind of Glory and praise everyday. He is my Glory, Light, and Joy. Take time today to write down what He has given you because He does and Is all. All Good is of Him and from Him. When you get down and life gets hard remember the God is tearing you down to build you up. Trust God in all He does and remember the Atonement of Jesus Christ and how much Grace He gives to all. HE LOVES YOU

The Will of God 
Love, Sis Rees


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