Week #17 - Windsor is Full of Miracles!!

Windsor is full of Miracles!! 

 We've come across so many people that are truly in search of the Gospel in their lives. We met a man out fishing and shared a message with him. The spirit touched him and he shared with us a very sacred experience that happened to him. The things he shared were far out of this world and couldn't be explained with out knowing that there are Ministering angels on this earth. We testified to him of the things we know to be true. 

We also met a man smoking outside of his home and testified to him of the Book of Mormon and the power it has. He dropped his cigarette and asked for a Book, then mentioned to us that he will be bringing his son and mom to church. 

We met another man sitting down and got talking with him and shared a card and left.  As we were walking away the spirit came to me and told me to go back. I couldn't hold the guilty feeling back so I told Sister Child and we made our way back, but didn't know what to say other then to trust that if I obey God He will do the rest. I shared with him that I know God loves him. To always remember and never forget it. We left again and passed over and walked towards the road and the feeling came again to go back. We turned around and I sat down and looked at him and said that I wasn't going to leave until he could tell me how I could help him. The conversation went somewhere and we got deep. He shared with us the core to why he was doing the things he was. The spirit promised him that if he reads the Book of Mormon with a real desire it will mend the wound that has been hurting him the most. That it will stop the addiction of his actions and will renew and make him whole. 

I know God lives. I know the Book of Mormon is true. The power of the Atonement is real. Our Savior Jesus Christ died for you. He hurt for you. He wanted to feel you so he could help you. Love God with all of your heart, might, mind and strength. Place the Savior at the center. ALL things are possible through Him. 

Sis Rees


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