Week #18 My Will is God's Will
GUESS WHO CAME TO HAMILTON ONTARIO!!??! President Russell M. Nelson.
Unfortunately we were 3 hours away and could only go if we were an hour. In my last area Hamilton was in my area hah... then they took me away. That's alright though because we had it broadcast in Windsor!!

Ah the Spirit was so strong when He walked into the room. Christmas came early! Everyone was confused why the "Utah Girl" was so excited. How could I not be?? The message President Nelson and Sister Nelson shared was powerful! He is a Prophet of God. He receives direct revelation from our Savior. The instruction he shares are from God and He is here at this time to share, and bring to pass something Magnificent!
"For I came down from Heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of Him that sent me."
God owns everything of ours. Our Possessions, Body, and Spirit. The one thing He doesn't own is our Will. Give God Your Will and I promise it WILL change your life.
Put your Loyalty to God.
Put your trust in God.
Because in Him you can do ALL things.
I know God is our Father, He made you. If you believe that He made you then don't you believe He knows what makes you happy? Don't you think He knows how You Identify with truth? God Knows you without a doubt! Never ever question the things you have felt. He Is Real.
Love Sis Rees
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