Week #24 Beauty Comes from the Heart


I am so excited for General Conference:) We will be watching it at a members home. We have 3 people we are teaching and will invite them and if they are not able to join us they may go with some other members. Yesterday there was a fireside for the YSA and the Young Women President and her husband who is in the Bishopric were asked to share their experience of general conference and where in their lives they saw the Lord's hand. Anyway they shared how their whole family of 5 had an impression to move and everything they shared was the same to everything that happened to us when we moved. It was identical! hah.. after I went and talked to them about it.  It's comforting to know that God sends us certain places to strengthen us and help us change. Where they are now is different then where they were before. I know God is continually giving us the opportunity to change to bless us:) I am currently studying the Atonement of Jesus Christ and want to understand it better. I am also studying the Commandments. Recently I've had the strongest push to really study and understand these 2 topics.

Sister Hansen is amazing:) She is very obedient and organized. I got into the habit of doing things to get it done, instead of doing it the right way and bringing the spirit. It's cool though because sister Hansen says she's felt prompted to study Faith and she says I'm a very faithful person. So we get together perfect:) I've been praying recently to be more humble and meek and to help me change into the person God intends me to be.  From that he has asked me to give up things. Slowly very slowly I can feel the light entering into me right after Satan has his hardest go. If there's a will there's a way:) 

There was an EFY song that came on while I was driving during our last transfers and it said "Beauty comes from the heart it's something that only starts on the inside out." It hit me strong and was always replaying in my head. From last transfer until this one it is slowly coming together and I'm coming to understand what God is trying to share with me. 

During Gospel Principles on Sunday we talked about virtue. He shared "You are the temple when you have the Spirit in you." "If I look at the Mirror and I see the temple then the confidence within will build me up and will change me." It was so powerful when he was talking, I knew this was something I needed to hear. As we set the temple in our sights, keeping our minds focused on it, our spirits within will eagerly want that and it will change who we are. If, we let go of the Natural man. Only until we pray to our Father in Heaven and ask Him to change us into the person He made us to be:) I promise that He will change you, only if you want it. But He will. It feels so good:) to be free of the world and to be truly happy with who you are. 

Need a Boost? 
A Christian women shared her experience about how she found herself:) and these are some of the scriptures she shared

Alma 37:47
Isaiah 53:5
Hebrews 10: 35-36
Gal 2:20
Isaiah 40: 31
Joshua 1:9

This Saturday we had a man come over and sit at the table we were on as we were sharing a Message with someone. He shared things he knew from all the study and time he has put into strengthening his spirit and we were able to listen and help answer questions for him. He then shared how marraige is tell death do you part. I couldn't help but smile and tell him that there is more. Then yesterday out of nowhere he showed up to church:) 

1. Sister Hansen, Fred (working with Elders in Area)
2. The Sunset was beautiful 7min before I took this picture. 
3. Brother Quick made us a delicious gourmet meal!


Sister Rees


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