Week #25 - Christ's Atonement is the Reason to be Happy!

Yesterday was actually Thanksgiving in Canada!! (another Monday holiday!) I had 3 Thanksgiving dinners.. hahah.  One on Sunday and two on Monday.  I felt like I looked pregnant, but it was so good:) 

I feel like I don't know anything:) It’s a good thing that God does. I feel like a child relearning everything.  Obedience brings Faith, Faith is the only way to understand the Atonement.  I am trying to understand it better.  I’ve been talking with my mission President to better understand the Atonement.  He gave me scriptures and talked about it at zone conference.

Sister Nicole Lowder - Love..Love..Love!

He shared with the missionaries the following:  "It is difficult to add anything to conference, but I remembered a quote from Pres. Nelson's October 2000 (before some of you were born) conference talk entitled "The Creation." While visiting a British Museum in London, Pres. Nelson read an English translation of an ancient Egyptian manuscript. In the translated conversation between the Father and the Son, Jehovah, the premortal Lord said:

"He took the clay from the hand of the angel, and made Adam according to Our image and likeness, and He left him lying for forty days and forty nights without putting breath into him. And he heaved sighs over him daily, saying, 'If I put breath into this [man], he must suffer many pains.' And I said unto my Father, 'Put breath into him; I will be an advocate for him.' And my Father said unto Me, 'If I put breath into him, My beloved Son, Thou wilt be obliged to go down into the world, and to suffer many pains for him before Thou shalt have redeemed him, and made him to come back to his primal state.' And I said unto my Father, 'Put breath into him; I will be his advocate, and I will go down into the world, and will fulfil Thy command."

The atonement is real.  I realize I have been living off the natural man my whole life apparently and I have felt scared to even think about the next life. I've been studying the scriptures, and the things I learned from Zone Conference and it's starting to make sense. I've been studying faith and the atonement.  For 19 years of my life I didn't know the power that it has. Slowly I'm coming to realize what the atonement really is and I feel pretty free right now.  This is the reason to be Happy:)   because I can have the power to overcome this world through Jesus Christ.

I've been reading talks and one that has really opened my eyes is called "In the Strength of the Lord." By David A. Bednar very good:) the church is a place of safety, sin is what covers the rain of blessings to come to us, and whatever…. the Book of Mormon tells you to do, do it. If you feel hard hearted against anything, study it out and understand that that is the darkness within you that needs to escape so you can let the light in.

I Promise. This. Is. True. Try it for yourself and you'll know.

Love you all:) 

Sister Rees

About to make some blueberry pancakes and the eggs smiled back and thought pancakes were a good idea
Thanksgiving was GOOD !!


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