Week #29 So Much Knowledge...
we taught this boy named Ryan that Sister Hansen and I met. We brought 2 YSA
with us and as we taught him. He said he was looking for a sign from God and
then Sister Hansen and I ran into him. He was so open and accepting.
taught him the Restoration and he had a lot of questions about the Plan of
Salvation. Chayse (one of the YSA) shared how he came to know the Book of
Mormon was true. He said his parents raised him in the church but he didn't
believe or understand it. He said that he asked God if it was true and there
was no answer. Later in life he got his answer but he said he truly didn't have
the desire in his heart to change. God probably knew if he gave him that answer then he
would continue on his way. But when Chayse was willing to give up his
knowledge, his likes, and his will for God's will that is when he got his
D&C 10:63
In it it
says that Satan will stir up the heart of the people and this will cause them
to wrest their scriptures and not understand. If you feel you are in a mist of darkness you
need to hold tight to the iron rod.
1 Corinthians 2:16
"For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But We
have the Mind of Christ."
Our spirits are made not to be independent of
the Lord. Sister Clark and I have been talking a lot about the Atonement and
something cool she shared was to picture yourself as a little girl and you want
this bike so bad. You save up everything you earn for this bike. You go to the
bike shop and realize you don't have enough but your dad pays for the rest
because you worked so hard and wanted it so bad even though your best won't get
you that bike. Heavenly Father loves us so much that He sent His son, His only
begotten son to die for us so that through him we can recieve a joy that is
most desirable and most joyous then anything else.
I was discussing light
with Sister Clark and she shared something that really enlightened me. She said
that darkness isn't a thing, you can't turn on darkness.
The reason your nervous or worried about something is that there is no light.
88:67 "If your eye be single to my glory your whole bodies shall be filled
with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is
filled with light comprehended all things." Your whole body can be filled
with light!
God is not a respecter
of callings, He is a respecter of obedience. God loves us all equally but
blessings will rain upon those who are obedient to Him. He asks us to be
diligent to Him and His word.
D&C 10: 67 "Behold, this is my doctrine - Whosoever repented and
cometh unto me the same is my church." D&C 10:68 " Whosoever
declareth more of less than this, the same is not of me, but is against me.
Therefore he is not of my church."
Talks of the day:
-Wounded -Elder Neil
L. Anderson
-Believe, Love, Do
-Elder Deiter F. Uchtdorf
Highlight of the day:
-Jesus Christ built
his church upon Personal Revelation.
-Conversion equals
obedience. If we are obedient to God's will now and we want what he wants then
we will want to be with Him in Heaven. If we don't obey or want what He wants
now we won't want it in Heaven.
I am grateful to be a
missionary, I know God loves us because He sent His Son. After all we can do he
makes up the difference. The Atonement IS the Plan. Making mistakes is part of the plan. We are on this earth to learn from our mistakes and become like God,
knowing good from evil. Alma 37:47 "See that you look to God and
live." As long as we obey God we will stay on the path. It is promised
to us. God can't break his promises. He is a God of truth, truth that is the
same yesterday and forever.
Thank you for your
prayers and emails:)
Love you all!
Sister Rees
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