Week #31 JOY to the World

Kinda bumbed. Everyone we've been teaching has dropped us. There's no progression, and we are having a hard time finding. 

Even though nothing has worked out I've learned the importance of looking for the blessings, that even when everything falls apart all you can do is look around at the Joys that God has given to us. The sunset, beautiful snow, we can share the happy message of Jesus Christ over and over.  Hah, I love it!!

Invitation: Everyday for 21 days write down 5 (legitimate things, be honest with yourself) that you are Grateful for. I won't tell you the blessings behind it because it is a lot funner to figure it out for yourself. 

Quote of the day: "True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior." Read the Book or Mormon every morning, everyday. 

Becoming like God: God is Happiness and Love. Complete and Perfect. I was talking to Sister Clark about a person she was teaching, she mentioned that she was attracted to the same gender but whenever she was in a relationship it never worked, why? Because that's not how God made us, that's not what God made us to like. He made us to like specific things that actually will make us happy. 

I know that we have a Savior, Jesus Christ that did in fact Atone for you and for me. He paid the price so that we could, through Him, return to our Father. A perfect Father. Full of love and truth. 

I am grateful to serve the Lord and to live the life that He has made possible for me.

💗 Sister Rees


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