Week #32 - Love One Another as Jesus Loves You

Image result for christmas star bethlehem
This week has been pretty good here in Kingston. 
We've had a difficult time finding and so we've been doing a lot of tracting. We came across this home with a man named Michael. He is from Bethlehem and is open to learning, but still strong to his beliefs. We talked to him for a little and I felt impressed to bring up baptism.  So I laid it down and then he backed off and got defensive and I kinda thought that was the end of teaching him, but then he wanted us to come back?! I'm excited about that:) 

Never have I ever had so much food in my life. We had 4 Thanksgiving dinners that were SO good! 

Funny funny my companion Sister Clark 
#1 She is the greatest. I love her. 
#2 She talks in her sleep all the time. hahah!  The first night I met her it was 2 am and she rolled over and started teaching a lesson. hah!  It honestly scared me.  Then at random times she sits up and prays.  It is so funny and probably the greatest thing ever. 

Yesterday was Sunday(my favorite day) and President Piezeski shared something that I really liked, he said, 

"Their are 2 people in the world. The people I love and the people I haven't met yet. 

We are here on this earth to love others and become like our Savior. If you think about it what you do now, and who you are now is what you will be like in Heaven. You get to choose your heaven. God has given you the key to unlock it.  Now, you just have to choose who YOU want to BE and WHO you want IN IT. By inviting and loving. 

Quote of the Day: "The Kingdom of God is within you" said Jesus, " It is in your head and in your heart.  It starts in your head and then your heart follows." - The Fourth Missionary 

Scripture of the Day: Alma 41:11-14

"Reach out to those you do not know and greet them warmly. Each Sunday extend a hand of fellowship to at least one person you did not know before. Each day of your life, strive to enlarge your own circle of friendship." -President Russel M. Nelson 

Love you all:) thank you for your prayers!

Love-Sister Rees


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