
Showing posts from December, 2018

Week #37 - It Starts with Your Head & Moves to Your Heart

I loved being able to speak with you on Christmas Day!  I was so surprised to see CJ.  He looks good, but oh how I wish I could give him a little of Canada's cold and food!!  I can't believe we are both out serving missions now.  I miss him so much and you guys too.  When we were all together is when that really hit.   I Love YOU!! DID YOU KNOW:  Some people that come to earth have older spirits then outs? Jesus Christ has the oldest spirit which makes him our older brother. Next time you see primary aged children remember that some of them are older in spirit. We are all here to help each other:) -Sister Meyer from Kingston branch  "You are right now the sum total of what you have thought, said, seen, heard and done. What you think, say, do, hear and see, cause you to change; to change for good or evil; to become either stronger or weaker.. you are responsible for who you are and you are responsible for who you will become."  - The Fourth Missiona

Week #36 - Merry Christmas Eve

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!! This week has been wonderful:)  We went and taught an Arabic women English and let her daughter paint our nails.  We had the pageant this week and over 200 people during each show! It was so much fun and the Spirit was so Bright!  We saw Michael and talked with him too:)  Something cool I learned was that God's will is for us to return to live with Him again. So everything He does for us is to get us to Live with Him. The most selfless act. Is for us to be Eternally Happy with Him forever!  Scriptures of the week:  °Colossians 3:2 °Luke 1:37 °Ecclesiastes 3:11 °Psalm 93:4 °Matthew 5:16 Tonight is a wonderful time to read the story of the Saviors birth.  To open up and recieve the greatest gift of all:) Talk to you Tomorrow!! Sister Rees

Week #35 - I Love this Time of Year!

🎄 Hello Family🎄 Sorry I don't have much time to write.  We have a Zone Conference we are headed to.  I think it is our Christmas Celebration!!  I haven't received your letters, but I think I will get them there.  Thank you!! I am planning to Skype you on Christmas Day and I can't wait! I also have a Christmas Present for the family, but you probably won't receive it until after Christmas.  I am so excited for KADEN!! When Sister Clark and I heard the news about the Youth changes we were so excited!!   Being on this mission has been the most wonderful experience ever!!  I feel so good and I see how Heavenly Father wants to make me and each one of us happy!  We just have to choose HIM!! I love this special time of year!!  Our Savior is the Reason for all the Good, the Peace, and the Joy we can have.   Love you, 💗Sister Rees

Week #34 - Reaping our Rewards!!

I AM SO GRATEFUL!!  This week in Kingston has been unreal!  It all started on Tuesday. We came into Martha's Table for service and right when we walked in Nate one of the  volunteers yelled to us that he Read a chapter in the Book of Mormon and loved It! We talked to him then went in the other room and buttered bread, we came back and Sister Clark went over and started making the soup and talked to Nate about Joseph Smith.  I was over cutting vegetables and then this 29 year old girl saw my name tag and wanted to ask me a question.  She's been Atheist her whole life and then just 2 weeks ago decided she wanted to find herself.  So she sat down and meditated and said she has never felt or heard the things she did before. She has been going through trial after trial these last 2 weeks.  A week ago she felt prompted to work at Martha's Table and give back to others (Tender Mercy).   God has been preparing her! I cannot began to explain the love I feel for Aryan. As

Week #33 - We Hope to Light the World!

Hahh, Such a funny experience!!   Sipho - from Africa SISTER Clark and I had a dinner appointment at a returning members home.  Apparently the address was wrong. Anyway, we knocked on the door and a young girl opened it up and I didn't remember them having a daughter, but she let us in.  We took our shoes off and the Mom was sitting at the dinner table making a ginger bread house and  just stared at us. hahha…  Karen & Shirley It was so funny because we haven't really met this member before but we knew of her so when we saw this women we thought it was her. It would've turned in to a great teaching experience but they were not interested (: The returning members lived next door.  Transfers were last night and Sister Clark and I will be staying in Kingston!   Our plan is to work hard and use this time to share the Christmas Message with everyone.  We also want to work together with the members and really get the Light the World going. We are goi