Week #37 - It Starts with Your Head & Moves to Your Heart

I loved being able to speak with you on Christmas Day!  I was so surprised to see CJ.  He looks good, but oh how I wish I could give him a little of Canada's cold and food!!  I can't believe we are both out serving missions now.  I miss him so much and you guys too.  When we were all together is when that really hit.  
I Love YOU!!

Some people that come to earth have older spirits then outs? Jesus Christ has the oldest spirit which makes him our older brother. Next time you see primary aged children remember that some of them are older in spirit. We are all here to help each other:) -Sister Meyer from Kingston branch 

"You are right now the sum total of what you have thought, said, seen, heard and done. What you think, say, do, hear and see, cause you to change; to change for good or evil; to become either stronger or weaker.. you are responsible for who you are and you are responsible for who you will become."
 - The Fourth Missionary by Lawerence E. Corbridge 

We get to choose:) 
We have the choice of choosing our Journey! We can either let hate and anger or sadness and misery tear us down
 our we can choose to let them live their journey and you live yours! 
"You were made to have Joy!" 
-Elder Deiter F. Uchtdorf  

Why waste your time seeing the negative if that will just tear you down? If your mind is positive your actions will be positive. 

It starts in your head then your heart follows. When you have one mind and one heart you can bring to pass and establish Zion, a Safe Haven. (D&C6:6, 1Nephi 13:37, Moses 7:18)

Talk of the Day: 
"Don’t Look Around, Look Up!"
  - By Elder Yoon Hwan Choi

I'm grateful to know that families can be together forever! We are blessed in families to recieve a little of that Joy and love we once had in Heaven. Heavenly Father loves you and Jesus is the Christ! He Lives! 

Thank you for your prayers! Love you all!
Sister Rees


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