Week #39 - See that You LOOK to God and LIVE!

Today is Transfers! 

My favorite Sister Clark is training! Best of Luck to her❤ 

I'm leaving beautiful Kingston and all the wonderful friends I've made.  I am going to Pickering, it's in Ajax and my companion is Sister Tebbs.  
Sister Tebbs 

 I love Kingston so much!!

Here's an update: 

Jeremy, has frequently been coming to church and we've taught him all 3 lessons and the next lesson Sister Clark will help set a date and help him work towards quitting smoking. 

Sister Clarks Aunt, Stephanie Nelsen (at nieniedialogues.com) is helping us with our lessons!! (without even knowing it!)   A woman named Mary that I mentioned to you follows her blog.  Mary noticed a picture of Stephanie and her kids reading the Book of Mormon. We visited with Mary this week and she told us she felt compelled to read it! She also initiated a pinky promise that she would! 

Lionel, also felt compelled to read the Book of Mormon! Hahh!!  He and Mary both said "I really feel like I need to read this book" Sister Clark and I looked at each other and smiled and turned back and said "yeah, that's a good idea." They say it as if they've never heard of this book before hah (we've invited them to read it for 3 months)

Courtney, she's come to church and has started engaging and participating in the lessons! A few times she'll throw out a comment about her new eye, or that she is getting a new tear duct. The other day while we were praying with her she said "bless that I will be able to cry out of both eyes" she is soo funny and I've grown to love her as if she was my daughter! I love her so much!! 

We went and visited Sister Brown and we shared the video "Lessons I learned as a Boy" by Pres. Gordon B Hinckley, I thanked her for her great example and I cried then she cried and hugged me. I then told her that she'd always be grandma brown.  She said no, we are cousins (I found out we were 7th cousins 3 timed removed) basically we're related hahh.

I've also come to learn that I cry a lot. If you don't cry a lot now you should learn to or else your tears will be saved for when they're really not necessary, haha. 

I was reading Our Search for Happiness (pg 8) it says: 

"Every significant decision I have made has been influenced by my knowledge of the Savior." 
"That's the way it is when Jesus Christ becomes a reality in your life." 
"It isn't that He somehow makes you do things that you wouldn't do otherwise. Rather, you find yourself wanting to do what He would do and respond as He would respond in an effort to bring your life into harmony with His." 

It interests me to continue to learn that Knowledge is Power and that knowledge is light and truth. The Power of Knowledge can change you into becoming more like the Savior. Your soul is sensitive. Just like what you eat is what you become, what you watch, read, listen to is who you will be. Once your soul is strengthened it can then control the body, it can control the natural man within us. We are spirits sent to have a physical experience. To learn how to have a body. 

Scripture of the Day: Alma 7:23-24

I am beyond Grateful for my Family! 
I'm grateful to know that I can live and be with them forever! 

I know Heavenly Father has a Perfect plan and if we have Faith, Hope and Charity we will ALWAYS abound in Good works. 

The Atonement of Jesus Christ is real. He has provided this for us to move forward continually. 

I've seen the difference of being in the world and not of the world and it is the most freeing, rewarding feeling in the world. 

I love my Savior Jesus Christ and the freeing choice I have to choose Him! 

❤Love you all!

         Sister Rees


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