Week #47 - Have Faith, Have Hope, Live like His Son, Help Others on their Way.

Good News and a Tough Week!  A Missionaries Life!  

I received a message from Pamela from the Windsor Ward.  She said her husband is getting baptized March 30th! I also received another message from Lionel, someone we were teaching in Kingston, that said he will be getting baptized April 3rd!! I am so excited to hear they still progressed after I left the area.  They are such wonderful people.  

These last few weeks have been so hard. I honestly feel like I'm relearning the basics of knowledge and how to be a missionary.  It is so humbling to be the one that teaches a new missionary how to find and teach people to Come Unto Christ. Especially when we have been rejected so much since she arrived! 

We went tracting yesterday in the rain and everyone opened the door a crack and shut it before we could share anything. To make it even better, on the way to the next home someone banged on the window and we looked up and they started mocking us, "Go on a mission they said, it's fun they said, ITS THE BEST 18 MONTHS OF YOUR LIFE they said."  

Then they laughed and pointed, and continued with their behavior.   I just had to remind myself that:
                       "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall 
                   say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.  Rejoice, and be 
                   exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they 
                   the prophets which were before you."  -- Matthew 5 : 11 - 12

Through it all I still believe a Mission is Great!!

An inspired friend sent me this talk that I so very much needed. "If You Don't Like It, Change It."  By Carrie Roberts 

I can do this!! I believe. Have Faith, have Hope, Live like His Son, Help Others on their Way. 

Scriptures for the Week:
Mom - John 19 : 27
Dad - Hel 3 : 29 - 30
CJ - 1 Nephi 3 : 7
Kaden - Exodus 31 : 3

Love, Sister Rees


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