Week #49 - Baking & Visits - 2 of my favorite things...

Rositas China
Tuesday, March 19,2019  - Visited Sister Payne and she repeated Proverbs 3:5-6 over 15 times in one visit. Unfortunately she has dementia but I'm pretty sure that was God telling me to trust Him. Because 2 days before we were eating breakfast and Sister Kelly played a talk.  It mentioned Trust in the Lord, then the next talk,  Trust in the Lord with all thine heart lean not unto thine own understanding. 

Sister insane, Sister Kelly, and I made corn bread and had it 
with Apple Cider/Hot Chocolate

Friday, March 22,2019 - We were at a dinner appointment with The Ulloas children and right after we finished the lesson I felt prompted to ask what their favorite scriptures are. Brother Ulloa blurts out "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not into thine own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths." I just sat there smiling.  It felt like a bus just hit Sister Kelly & I for us to remember and never forget "Proverbs 3:5-6 is true!" 

Also, on March 22,2019  - You won't believe this! We went out tracting before the Ulloas dinner appointment. THEE FIRST door we knocked on was John from Germany!! I did not even remember it was his home until I saw the door. He let us in and his wife came out. They are non-denominational, but they LOVE missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. He told us about his 9 LANGUAGES he knows. I've been studying some German and am able to say Ich bin ein mädchen(I am a girl). 

Bracelet Stephen Made
Sunday, March 24,2019 - STEPHENS BIRTHDAY! Today was his day! Of course we had to make Mary's famous chocolate chip cookies and deliver them. We get to his door and his wife let us in and then we see Stephen. He takes the cookies, thanks us, and then says "I'm having a cup of coffee so I'll just have one with it.(We taught him the word of wisdom yesterday.) What part of no coffee did He not understand:) but that's ok because I BELIEVE. We will review over it again this week:)

Talk of the Day:
By Elder Uchtdorf 
Jan 2018 youth devotional 


Mary's Chocolate Chip Cookies 
1/2 cup butter soft 
2/3 cup brown sugar 
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla 
1 cup flour 
Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon salt
Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 cup chocolate chips

Mix butter until soft add brown sugar. Add egg and vanilla. Mix flour, salt, & baking soda.

Bake 350 7 minutes- trick is to not over cook them 

Love, Sister Rees


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