Week #50 Dankbarkeit (GRATITUDE)

Hello Mom, Dad and Kaden! I love you and miss You! 

It's been hard with Mark and Stephen these last few days. After having them both commit to living the word of wisdom they've been tested and are feeling that Godly sorrow. We have been staying in contact with Mark daily, but Stephen doesn't ever use his phone so we have been dropping by. 

We were walking back from an appointment  and met Sephora! She was the only one that was on the path where we crossed over and we talked to her and she was so excited! We gave her a Book of Mormon and got her number. Yesterday we texted her to see if we could make an appointment to meet with her and she said she was so happy we reached out to her, she said she has been reading the Book of Mormon and wants to learn more:,) yay❤ 

D&C 4:5 - If we will live as the Savior, He will qualify you for the work. 

We had a scary experience this week of 2 men following us in their car. It lasted for over 45 min. I had the sickest feeling that I haven't felt since my first transfer. Mom when you said you felt to pray for safety, I'm pretty sure this was the reason. These men almost had it all planned out. When we arrived safely at our apartment - we called President.  He said it would be a good thing to report these men to the police if we see them again and it would be a good idea to get pepper spray, or a horn.  We will NOT go back to that area.  I remembered back to my setting apart blessings from Pres. Saunders.  He blessed me 5 different times with protection.  I am so thankful for the Lords watchful care.

3 Nephi 4:30 The Savior will protect those that are trying to follow and come unto him.  

From walking so much we have blisters all over our feet, hahh.  I had a huge one on my ankle and 3 under my feet .  We had to take care of them with sewing needles, hahh. I closed my eyes when I did it. 

I watched the restoration movie before bed 2 nights ago and the tears flew. 
Joseph Smith is a prophet if God. 
He gave his life, left his children fatherless and his wife a widow for the restoration of this gospel. 
Joseph Smith is the definition of Faith, Hope, Charity, and Love. 
I love my Savior Jesus Christ with all of my heart. 
He Lives! 

-Sister Mai Rees


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