Week #51 - Transfer News!

Sister KELLY :)
TRANSFER NEWS... Sister Rees is going to Burlington and Sister Kelly is staying in Ajax. More change!! The funny thing is I was hoping to stay and Sister Kelly was feeling like she would be leaving! I am training in my new area too! I guess more people to learn from as a Missionary.

This week has been good! We dropped by Mark yesterday and gave him a Chastity pamphlet and invited him to study it before we see him. While we were there he said when he gets a home he wants us to come over "and we can have Lasagna and Kool Aid" hahh, he's so funny. I wish I could just record him and send a video over.

We went "finding" by the Lake and were able to hit our goal of OYM's or 15+ people and we handed out 6 Book of Mormons. That was probably my favorite day this week! It was so peaceful, with the waves and being able to talk to so many different people. We also saw Veterans point Gardens and we were looking for anyone with our last name. No Rees' but 2 Chamberlains!
Veterans Point Gardens
We also went to the temple this week for Sister Kelly's 6 week follow up, plus we had General conference this week! I loved Elder Mathias Helds talk. I took out of it that the more knowledge I obtain and act on the more knowledge Heavenly Father gives me.
Toronto  Ontario Temple

We taught a fun lesson yesterday using an egg that we blew out the egg white and yoke. It represented the empty tomb and that the Savior has Risen!

Thank you for the love❤
Love Sister Rees

Art work from the Library we Study at.  


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