Week #52 - Burlington is Beautiful!

Burlington is Beautiful!

  We are close to Lake Ontario. Sister Farnsworth is my companion and Sister Woon joined us because her companion is coming from the MTC that she will be training! She is a Chinese sister. Next week I'll for sure be able to talk to you! Today was just busy.  President gave me a blessing and asked what my parents called me and I said Mai. So he started the blessing saying Sister Madison also known as Mai Ann Rees! It felt so wonderful!

I received a long message this morning from Sister Kelly about Juliana from Pickering! Juliana is someone we taught that had a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. Meeting with her was like the talk President Hinckley gave,"This Thing Was Not Done In A Corner" when he was being interviewed by Mr. Wallace.  Sister Kelly said that she has been thinking about Juliana for a while after we had to drop her. Anyway, she went over to Juliana's home and shared scriptures with her that Juliana has never noticed before! Juliana committed to read the Book of Mormon again! Now if she will just progress!

We went to visit a returning member in our ward who was in an apartment building. WE didn't know how to get in other than to ask someone. (All the apartment buildings need keys or you have to call up to enter the building.) There was a kind polish women that was walking her dog into the building and she let us in. We thanked her and went to the room. Knocked and no one was home. We thought about this sweet Polish women that let us in and we were sad we didn't get her room number. We remembered she mentioned that she was on the last floor. We decided we'd find her. After pondering where to go we decided to knock on a door. Right when we did she walked out of the elevator that was right next to the door we were knocking on. We realized that if we would have actually knocked her door we would've missed this sweet women because there were stairs right by her door. She welcomed us into her home and offered us wine, but then gave us a drink like Ginger Ale(non alcoholic). While we were talking and sharing with her the gospel and our testimonies she stopped us and looked at me and said, “Are you sure you are not from Germany?”  I thought it was the best compliment ever!  She said her ancestors were from Poland, Russia and Germany.  Her name is Sophie and she lost her husband and said she was grateful that someone visited her that day. She asked that we please come back. She gave me a hug before we left and said "You could be my

We decided we would try contacting by the Lake, hahh.. No! It was so windy.  We went over there and there wasn't a person in sight. The water was crashing over the railing and the waves were big. We decided we would go drop by people with interest.

Talk of the week:
"The Best Is Yet To Be" -Elder Jeffrey R Holland

Love you,
Sister Rees


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