Week #53 - Easter Referrals!!

Last Week: Sister Woon, Sister Farnsworth and I were asked to fill up the baptismal font for an 8 year old to be baptized. It was at the Oakville Chapel and this was our first time finding it this transfer.  The area was blue washed (Take out the Elders and put Sisters in). We turned on the font and decided we would go get lunch because the Elders said it took 2 hours. We left and got Indian food and it took awhile. We drove back and walked up to the door and realized WE LEFT THE KEYS IN THE CHAPEL. 

While the water was on full blast we looked for the Relief Society president who said she would come earlier to fill the rest of the font because we had to leave for an appointment in Hamilton. She was not even close and was panicking and looking through numbers and said go to the Bishops home! We drove to his home and he opened the door and welcomed us in and asked if we would like to come sit down. Sister Woon said "We would love to, but the baptismal font is filling and our keys are in the chapel. We were wondering if we could use your keys?" hah.. His eyes widened and he whipped around and grabbed the keys. We made it to the chapel with the water filled up perfectly in the font - blessings.  

This Week: We wanted to find people and thought that maybe people would be interested in receiving a Bible because of the Easter Season.  We received 91 REFERRALS (Bible Referrals) IN 2 DAYS. The most I've gotten before at once was 12. Most of the Referrals were not in our area. What we did is write all the names on the chalk board and write what area they are in and then went into area book and found what missionaries were in what area and then sent them over. 

We had a few in Burlington. One was Jose, he asked for 3 Bibles and he requested that they be delivered at the hospital where his sick brother was. We found him and he introduced us to his whole Filipino family! They were extended family and his own family. They talked to us and were interested in what we shared, but when I pulled out the Book of Mormon people got up and left. Jose was still interested though. He along with his daughter asked if we could pray for his brother Edwardo. 

They brought us into the part of the Hospital where its only close family and we entered the room and his wife was feeding him and then the Doctor came in and Jose introduced us to everyone.  After the Doctor left Jose asked if I could offer a prayer.  We all held hands and Edwardo who was so weak reached up and grabbed my hand. That was such a special moment. Everyone there had such strong faith. I felt so nervous, but the Spirit directed me in what to say. 

We were at a dinner appointment yesterday and the member had Meet the Mormons playing and as she was bringing the food out I heard "It is more important to have a Happy Family, then a Perfect Family." It keeps going through my head. As I've been pondering it I have thought that it helps me see past this life and into Eternity. If we aren't happy now we won't be happy later.

Happy Easter❤
love, Sister Rees


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