Week #58 - LOVE & Raptors!!

People went crazy over the Toronto Raptors making it to the playoffs!  There are cars, restaurants, signs everywhere.  Some people asked us if we wanted to come over to see the game!  Let's say they are a bit excited over here.  

Lisa came to church! We were excited when we heard.  We were in Ward Council and we told our Bishop!!  We sat and waited and waited, the meeting began.  The young men closed the doors and then we heard the door open and saw Lisa briefly!  We did not want to be rude, but we needed to get out to her.  She left because she didn't know if she could join us once the meeting began.  We bolted out
Librarians at Work
and ran down the hall and someone told us that she went out to the parking lot.  We caught her in her car and explained that she was welcome to join us and it was ok to come in the room.  I couldn't hold back how excited I was! She smiled from ear to ear in the meeting.  She had to leave a little early to get to work, but we were beyond happy that she made it to church.   
Sister Conway - @coldnoseandpearlygates
"Your Pass to the Front Row!"  - Sister Conway

We also received a member referral from Bishop Holden.  It was of a family that hasn't come to church and wanted no contact. We approached their home and walked by and saw 2 women smoking.  The nerves kicked in and so we walked past and went to another member. We made our way back and
there was a women outside smoking. I said hello and as I was walking past her a thought entered my head that this is the Lords Mission not mine. So we turned around and walked over to talk to her.  She was so excited to talk to us! She said
she is wanting to change! She threw her cigar on the ground and said this is not who I am. She said that she wanted to be a missionary when she was younger and do what we were doing.  Her name is Jessica and she is probably about 30 years old now. I hugged her and she said, "I am proud of you!" and in that moment it felt like that was Heavenly Father speaking through her to me!!  We both cried and I told her I loved her and that we will come back. Our next appointment with her is Tomorrow.  

We were also guided to the home of Michael and Phyllis Wood.  They are older and have health struggles.  They  are members, but have not been out to church for a long time.  When we stopped by they set out chairs and we sat and talked together.  I told them I wanted to see their back yard.  They mentioned they have not been able to work on it or keep it up.  It was amazing.  Yes it was over grown and had some weeds, but there was an area like a secret garden that had a tree and it was simply amazing.  We mentioned to them that we can come and help them and maybe get it a little more manageable for them.  I loved their yard!
Dancing in Indigo

We also stopped by John's house.  He is the one that sells flowers.  He is not a member, but when we go over he always talks with us.  This past week he started a fire and we sat together and talked.  His yard is amazing and it was great to connect with him.  

We tract by the Lake and by the homes in our area.  They are unbelieveable.   They are not fenced in, but they have such antique work on them and they are huge!   Their yards are beautiful and it blows me a way at how colorful and green it is here.  

Love you!!  Sister Rees


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