Week #63 - Who is Jesus Christ to You?

We had a talk we wanted to deliver to Jessica because we haven't been able to reach her for a while. We wanted to visit her at home and the family wasn't very happy to have us in. We also wrote a get well card for her Mother who recently got out of surgery. The father of the home was a very active man in the church years ago and then became Anti. He threw out disrespectful comments and wasn't wanting us in his home. We knew it wasn't anger at us, but his words were hurting a lot.

We boldly told him the reason we came and the Spirit hit him and he let us take a seat. They told us stories, and fun times, and then shared how they met and the hard things they've gone through. We couldn't help but listen and cry as we almost felt the pain he was carrying. We shared a message from the talk "A Regal Identity" and asked if they would share this with their daughter Jessica. The Father jumped in and said yes, I will. I will share this with her exactly how you shared it with us, he said. He shook our hands, looked at me and said I remind him of his daughter Jessica and tears came to his eyes. He and his wife walked us to the door and left us feeling as if we were princesses. 

We were at the Grocery store a few days ago as we were looking for some butter and flour so we could make chocolate chip cookies for the workers in our apartment building. As we walked through the isles a women approached me and took out her head phones and said I looked like an angel, she said you are glowing with light. 

Megan has been coming to church and her boy friend has also become more active and is communicating openly with the ward. 

We did a Bible Stand on Saturday with Free Lemonade and a poster board that said "Who is Jesus Christ to You?" Many people were shocked with the kind deed and were interested. Many parents stopped and got their children lemonade and asked them who Jesus Christ is to them. We saw a father and daughter walking and as they passed by she asked who Jesus Christ is to him? It was such a wonderful way to bring the Savior to the center and see families come together asking each other questions.

I am grateful for my Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ who came to earth to accomplish the hardest thing of all so that we all may find Joy! I am grateful for eternal families and that I can be with them forever!

Talk of the week
By President Henry B. Eyring

Love always,
Sister Mai Rees


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