Week #65 - Megan Committed to Baptism! Please Pray for her.

Hi Family!

I am sorry I have not written much!  It is so much easier to talk with you on the phone!  Here is my basic update.  

I have a new companion - Sister Price.  She is from Arizona.  She is wonderful.  We really get along well and we are working hard together knocking doors and talking to people everywhere we go.

We found Lisa!  She was working in another store and we happen to run in to her.  She seemed ok when we spoke to her and she is concerned with her up coming surgery.  Not sure if she will want to learn more, but we are hopeful. 

MEGAN set a date for Baptism!  August 3rd!  She is really getting excited and has been doing everything she needs to do.  Her boyfriend seems to be trying to slow it down though.  He is a member, but has not been to church for years.  He is just coming back with her.  So we have 2 people to share the Hope & Joy of Christ with!  

The work is hard, we just keep going day by day.  We trust that God is with us and is guiding us.

I love you all!!  I will do better at writing!!  Thanks for your LOVE ❤ and PRAYERS 🙏!!

Love, Sister Rees


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