Week #66 - There is always HOPE!!

This week was full of MIRACLES!!   

July 15th -21st

   Megan is on date for August 3rd to be BAPTIZED!!  Her boyfriend has been trying to slow it down, but she told him that she is moving forward with it!  She knows it is true!!  Continue to Pray for her! 
We walked into church and 7:45 last Sunday and there was no ward council...at least we were ready to go early!!  But this week there was.
  *We dropped off a card to Lisa at work.
 *We did personal study along the Lakeshore and met Khadjat(jlah) and her 2 cute daughters. We recently taught her the Plan of Salvation.

We have been bringing Trena who is a returning member with us and EVERY TIME she is with us Miracles happen! In the last 3 weeks we have found 6 new people to teach. We went down the wrong street to go to an appointment and Met Crystal and Noel. We visited with them and before we did Trena, Sister Price and I had a challenge to pray for the person we were going to give the Book to. We were to write our testimony and Mark a verse they need. I prayed and when I was writing my testimony I felt prompted to write "You are a loved Son of God" and without hesitation we met them and the Spirit confirmed that I was to give the Book to Noel (who is a boy).

Crazy. Went down that same route we met Crystal and Noel at and then we meet Karen?? She works at Gap and when I saw her she looked so familiar. She remembered me from Gap and is interested in hearing our message. What a happily ever after!!


Sister Rees


These are my past Two WEEKS !!

July 1st - 7th
My new companion Sister Price is so full of Faith. We had our first interview with President and Sister Ensign. They are both so kind. I would describe President Ensign as being very loving and charitable and Sister Ensign as someone who is diligent.

We celebrated July 4th with sparklers and glow sticks.
 We went to the Kitsons home for dinner and she has her YSA grandsons living with her(returning members) We asked if we could sing "Love One Another" and they agreed only if we sang "Hallelujah" hah
We went contacting along Lakeshore and walked up to a Mother with 2 children under 10 and shared that families can be together forever. The daughter said "I want that!" Then the boy asked "Can we meet today?" Sadly, the Mother wasn't interested but the son asked for our card and asked if this was the number he can call.
We had some funny experiences knocking on doors.  We would ask if we can come in and pray for them. We walked into a home with a woman who is very into Politics and she allowed us to pray and then asked if she could. She said one prayer and then finished and then asked if we would open our eyes and she would pray again.  She still had her eyes shut and started swinging her arms and saying a very intense prayer. We tried so hard to hold back from laughing. Hah I had to turn away from Sister Price hah.

July 8th - 14th

Went to Niagra Falls with Sister Lonsdale and it was so fun to be there!
We visited Tanya and helped her daughter learn how to ride a bike. Hard.
We saw Lisa at Micheal Hill! We decided we would drop by and see if we could talk to her. Once we walked by and I saw her I couldn't help but to go over and give her a hug! She is still having a hard time not being able to have children and is going in to get surgery. All I feel is love for her and hope that she can recognize that with God all things are possible. Pray for Lisa!
Went to Sister Mussons and we were sitting on her deck and as we were talking there was a cardinal that flew over and landed on the bird feeder. We pointed out the cardinal and she said "When there's a Cardinal present, there's an ANGEL present." Then the still small feeling of the Holy Ghost reminded me of Grandma Reeder and that she was there with me.


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