Week #67 - Member Work Brings Miracles!!

This week

We have taken Trena, a returning member, tracting with us and this week have found 13 new people to teach! We also had 4 people at church! 

We have been meeting with Karen and Ethan. Burlington Ward has been amazing at fellowshipping! Sister Hickman invited Karen to go see a Broadway with some women in the Relief Society. Sister Price and I taught the Young Men about what we wished we would have done before our mission and it was so good to see how involved Ethan was only being 11.  He fit right in with all the other boys even though he was new to all.  

A few weeks ago I mentioned a family. The mothers name is Juliet and she has 3 children between the ages 12-17 all from Nigeria. We have been trying to contact her but haven't been able to so we wrote a note and put it on her car. She called the number written on it and we tried calling back, but it was an unknown number. She left a number on her voicemail and we couldn't understand because of her accent. Before ward council on Sunday we had an appointment with Gerry at 8am and prayed he would be home. Sadly he wasn't and so we decided to drop by Juliet. We knocked twice and no answer. As we walked away she opened the door and yelled "Ladies" and was waving us to come back. We came and taught her the Plan of Salvation and the best part was that her children were getting ready for church and she said she was going to Surprise us!

Amy from English class taught me to say Shìjiè zài shén de shǒuzhōng (The World is in Gods hands).  Our other students were on a business trip and so Amy took us on a trail and we did a lesson with her. We bought a helium balloon and we all wrote down something that is hard for us to get over and then you're suppose to let the balloon go, but Amy wanted to keep the balloon with all of our trials written on it! hahh. 

Talk of the Week:

Love you! Thank you for your prayers. 
- Sister Rees


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