Week #68 - I Am Grateful!!

Juliet, Owen, Claire, and Serena are working towards being baptised on August 17th:)) 


I love them so very much and am beyond grateful.
We had the one Burlington Festival that celebrated a mix of different religions. We were able to talk and meet others from different religions, dance, and have many popcycles. President and Sister Ensign came! I love them and am inspired by how much charity they show towards me and others. 

Sister Price and I put on a Yoga/Spa night for the Relif Society and let the women take an evening to relax and were able to bring a few people being taught, and returning members. It was a fun night! 

Went to Sister Conway home and made up for the spa night and gave her a manicure.

Went to Brother Weatherdons home and he made us green pineapple pancakes! They were yum,yum.

I am Grateful:)

Love always, Sister Rees


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