Week #69 - Juliet & her children are so excited to be Baptized this week!

 I Love SERVING the People in CANADA!!

 Juliet, Owen, Claire, and Serena are so excited for their Baptism on the 17th!  They are bringing an excitement to the ward too!  We do not have a lot of youth and now we are adding 3 more energetic youth that smile and are just great kids.  The ward has had them over for FHE, dinners, and simply just reached out and taken them in as FAMILY.  How can you not love being a member when you are so loved by so many.  The girls are really great dancers and Owen is great with sports.  They are all very athletic.  More importantly - they love the Lord and want to follow Him!  They are committed, humble, and have believing hearts!  I love them so much!!

We went to the Royal Botanical Garden's this morning With Sister Beatson!  It was simply beautiful!  I love the flowers and just love to be outdoors.  The Summers are so beautiful in Canada!

 I just received a call from my Mission President - I am training again!  A new missionary is coming, plus I will have my companion still with me!  A threesome should be interesting!  I am nervous and hope I can help her learn all I know about finding, loving, and serving the people here.  The moments I share my testimony with people is a treasured moment.  I feel such joy when I speak of Christ and His Gospel!  Oh, I hope to share it with so many more people. 

Sister Rees


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