Week #71 - We are Searching and Searching...

August 19th
We were talking about Owen receiving the priesthood together.
Juliet- "He's scared."
Owen- "No, not really."
Brother Hickman- "Are you excited?"
Owen- "I'm excited to get the priesthood so I can be a super hero!"
We had more communication with Juliet's husband. He works in Brampton so it is difficult to meet with him, but he wants to continue learning!
August 21st
We went tracting basically all day and I wore a sweater that morning because I was cold and then it got really warm in the afternoon hahh not good. We played a game while tracting and had to say a word in every conversation. I was given the word "butter" and I said "Something we believe is that not one church is "butter" then another." hahh and Sister Price laughed so hard she had to walk away hah.
August 23nd
Sister Pearson was asked to give an instruction on the Spirit and there's a funny story that went with it.
Sister Pearson started running away after we knocked on a door and said she didn't have a good feeling. She started running to the car straight faced, so I started running and could not stop laughing and Sister Price was so confused and was walking behind us laughing.
This past week we met a 25ish yr old man named Ben and felt inspired to share the first vision with him. He brought up a show called "South Park" and right when he said Joseph Smith I had the pamphlet turned to the first vision. We shared that with him and invited him to church. He said he would be golfing and drinking. I felt to say something and what came out of my mouth was to warn him that if he did this something bad would happen. Anyway, Saturday we found out he was in the hospital. He's ok, but had some stomach issues because of all the alcohol he drank that night.
We met a family that just moved to Canada from Peru. We met them on lakeshore and found out that he had friends that we're members. He used to play at the soccer nights at the Church and what's so fun is we have soccer night at our church on Thursday night's so we invited him.
We were tracting and prayed what homes we should go to. I felt prompted to go to the home with a Blue Mazda. We knocked and no answer. Sister Pearson said she would not leave until the door opened so we waited. And believe it or not a family from Zimbabwe opened the door. We talked and before he could say no we asked if we could come in. We taught him, his 8 year old daughter who when we were teaching said she is going to get her brother and the son walked down who is 21. We taught the Plan of Salvation and the spirit was there. We pulled out the Book of Mormon and invited them to read. The father was shook. He said "if you showed me the Book at the beginning I would've shut the door." He then shared that he was surprised with the message and wasn't expecting that. The daughter said she believed in the 3 kingdoms. She said it sounded normal. The Son said that this message was a sign from God and asked for the Book and gave us his number!
I know there are so many people here who are longing for the truth! They just do not know where to find it!! Oh, that we can be lead to them. Thank you for your prayers - we feel them!!
We made watermelon milkshakes this week that were so so good.
Talk of the Week:
"Seeking Knowledge by the Spirit" by Elder Mathias Held
Love you, Sister Rees
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