Week #73 - Efe is getting Baptized!! The Whole Family will be together!!

My Mission President allows each missionary to go to the big city of Toronto to visit before they leave the mission.  So we traveled there this past week.  I still have to download pictures and get them to you later, but it was so fun to see!  But confusing to try and find our way around.  It was definitely an adventure!!

 EFE (Juliet's husband) has committed for Baptism!  We have been meeting regularly with him to help him prepare.  He has had many questions and has needed some time to make some decisions.  He really wants to be with his family forever, so he is doing all he can.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ changes people - I see it right before my eyes!  What an absolute miracle!! He is getting baptized on September 28th!  We will have transfers right before, so I am not sure if I will be here, but the family has mentioned they want to come to Utah to meet all of you and visit! 

 I love training Sister Pearson.  She is wonderful and we get along so great!  She acts on her feelings of the Spirit and has helped with finding and teaching people.  I am trying to get her to go to USU, but I told her I like the Y also!  
We were out walking and making contacts and found a road that we wondered where it lead.  Well, I took this lady bug on a long walk with me to discover a half dressed man and 2 guard dogs that came flying around the corner at us (a small, young German Shepard and an enormous, scary German Shepard!! ).  I learned I am out of shape, because they ran at us so fast that we had to make the quick decision just to chum them and be so kind so they would not bite us!!  We were protected and once we were out of the situation - we just laughed and laughed!!   Thank goodness we had a car to get into.

More next week, I promise!!  I love you!!  This work is changing lives - it has sure changed mine!!

Sister Rees


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