Week #74 - Blessing after Blessing!

Here is my week!  We had some amazing experiences with so many people!  What a blessing!
Sept 11
We were on our way home for dinner and saw a women pushing a stroller with her 2 children. I felt prompted to talk to them so we parked our car and basically ran to them before they left hahha her name was Reilly and her 2 sons David, Jay from Africa. We shared the Restoration and she was shocked when we said that Jesus Christ visited the people in the Americas. She has a strong belief in the church she is in but was interested in what we shared. 

Sept 12
Today we were tracting and a women said she attends the Ukraine church. Then I asked if she was from Ukrania hahah

Sept 13
We went to visit Sister Anstee and after we tracted her neighborhood. We went around and no one was letting us in. We went around the corner and saw someone outside going to the door and then thought it was a mail man. We went up to him and shared that we were missionaries and talked to him about the Book of Mormon and the importance of this special book. He said he was athiest and had no interest. We kept talking and then he left with a Book of Mormon.:)
We continued tracting for over 2 hours and then we met Bilha! She let us in and we shared the Restoration with her. The spirit was strong and she said she would like us to come back!

Sept 14
Today we were out tracting for a few hours and had a 4th floor last door experience! (we read 4th floor last door the night before).  We tried finding at the lake and that wasn't going well. We then tried doing drop-bys and nothing was going well.  So we decided to go  tracting in a neighborhood.  We just kept feeling that we should keep going and went until the very last home in the area. The third to last door opened and a man named Ian opened the door and his daughter Rachel was standing next to him. We told him that we were sharing messages about how families can live together forever and asked if we could share a message. We stood on the door step and taught him and his daughter the Plan of Salvation. The father Ian looked so happy and was smiling at his daughter as we shared the beautiful message.

Sept 15
We were doing drop-bys in the rain and knocked on Jays door. We asked if we could come in and share a 10 min message. He let us in and we asked if we could read 3 Nephi 17. He stopped visiting with the missionaries a while ago but let us in. He said we could come back and share the Restoration with him!

We decided we would finish the night dropping by returning members. We were looking for a parking spot and noticed a 2018 Porche with the door wide open at 8:35 at night. We knocked on the door closest to the car and an older women named Anna from Poland answered. We told her and she started to cry and kissed me then held my face and hugged me haha her son told the mom and she thanked us and went out to shut the car door. The grandmother told us that her daughter that was there and another child in her family were in a divorce and said we were sent by God. What I got from it was that she knew God was watching over her family, and out of all the neighbors 2 missionaries showed up. She was so very grateful nothing could've made this week better then to 
know we are always instruments in God's hands.
Probably my favorite tender mercy this week was when we witnessed Efe receive a priesthood blessing that he himself asked for.  His tooth was really hurting him and so he asked a member of our ward if he would come to his home and give him a blessing.  We were at their home already sharing a message with him when the member knocked on the door.  The member entered and said that Efe asked for a blessing.  We were shocked!  And so excited that he had the faith to do that!  The blessing was given and Efe's tooth was healed!!  The blessing was powerful and Efe was told that he would always remember this moment and the faith he had in asking for the blessing and in his healing!  It was amazing!!

Talk of the Week

Love, Sister Rees


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