Week #75 - Don't Leave My House A Mess!

I am so grateful to be in Burlington for my 5th transfer, and last transfer on my mission. I also am companions with Sister Pearson still who I love so much💗

Sept 16 
Monday evening we did a tree of life activity with Sister Mifsud and her 11 year old daughter, Sister Anstee, Karen, and Ethan. We took then into the primary room and blind folded them. We read the story in 1 Nephi 8 and then had all the lights in the church off and led them through. It was very fun! At the end we needed to take Karen and Ethan's bike to there house.  It was too far and late for them to ride home. Members took them in their car and we took the bikes and were taking Sister Anstee home as well. It was almost past our curfew and so we left everything up in the church and said we would come back tomorrow. We tried leaving the first time and the door wouldn't let us lock it. We went in to check if we had everything then tried a second time. It wouldn't lock. Then we went back in and checked to see if someone made their way in the building and was hiding in there. We prayed then tried a third time to lock it. As I was trying to lock it the spirit whispered very quietly to me and said. "Don't leave my house a mess." I told them that God won't let us leave until his home is clean. We rushed very fast to clean up the whole room made of chairs and string. Finally Sister Anstee (a returning member) says the prayer and then I go to lock the door and it turned so smoothly. 

Sept 17
Saw Denise today and she told us that she doesn't think that we should keep meeting with her because she is going back to her church! Which is so wonderful! We met her the very first time and she went to close the door on us because of her anger toward God. After 20 years now She is coming back and is seeing light in her life! 

Visited a women named Rose in a nursing home and sang songs to her. She can't talk or move but she dusts in her chair and listens. We tell her about our day and sing songs with her. She use to lead music and so her hand will lightly go up and down as we sing and she will lead.

Sept 18
Went on exchanges and Sister Johnson said "Don't put your fear above Faith" I thought of the time when sister Pearson and I wanted to make chocolate chip cookies for a returning member. We both prayed and had Faith that we would find enough chocolate. We couldn't find any, and we weren't going to buy any but we had Faith. All the sudden the next day sister Pearson got back from exchanges and she had a chocolate bar with her that someone from English class gave her. She asked if we wanted it and we were so shocked!  We were able to make cookies and visit her! If God can provide us with this little chocolate bar, why should I fear?

Sept 19
6 week follow ups at the temple:)

Sept 20 
Did FHE with the Omamohwo family and taught them how to use the Gospel Libray. So excited to watch General Conference with them soon!

Sept 21
We did a 5 question Survey with our district at Burlington Lakeshore. It was so much fun! 
We wrote the "Plan of Love" with chalk on the side walk.

Sept 22
Visited Rose again and sang hymns. As we were singing more people joined. Others would try and sing along and some were in the kitchen smiling and waving their hand as if they were leading the music. 

We saw Efe and taught him the 10 commandments. He is ready for Baptism:) he is so excited and does everything he can. He will ask us when we can see him next, and reads every chapter we invite him to read. I am so excited for him!  He gets baptized this Saturday and I am so grateful I can be there to witness it!!  This is the Family I imagined would be baptized before I left!  I hope to return and join them as they go through the temple to be sealed as a family!!  

I am so grateful I get to stay here!  I love the members, my companion, and all those I have taught!!  I feel so blessed to finish my last 6 weeks here.

Sister Rees


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