Week #11 - Thanks Be To God :)

Where do I began?? Life's great,Gods amazing. Yesterday was Canada Day!! Sister Smith and I had thee best view from our apartment and saw so many fireworks! We pulled our beds out by the window because we don't have an AC unit and its (90* Degrees out side) so we took our 4 fans and surrounded them around us and put an ice pack around our heads and tied it on hahah but not only was it hot it was very humid so we didn't let that heat go to waste. We rolled out our yoga mats and did hot yoga hahah it defiantly worked. We woke up the next morning and I wish I would've taken a picture of ourselves hahah we were literally dripping the whole back of my shirt was wet and water was dripping down my face. Our alarm went off at 6:30 and I got up to turn it off and completely biffed it hahah we were dehydrated but we fixed that. The Olsen's came over to check out our place and then called into the mission office so we had the Elderly Couples come in and bought a Huge swamp cooler to put in our apartment. It feels so good!!! Who knew you could have Christmas in July?? This has been the best week of my life hahah I just love being a missionary. By far best decision of my life!!! 

I was reading an article in the Ensign I DEFINITELY recommend to everyone to read the Ensign!!! I can't get enough of what the prophets and apostles have to say I'm definitely a hoarder when it comes to Ensigns there are so many good things and I don't want to forget any of it but each time I read one it helps me with what I need that day so Its kinda pointless to keep them all but they're all just so good. Back to what I was saying I read a talk in the November 2014 Ensign called Approaching the throne of God with Confidence. I thought this was a great one. I want to be Confident when I stand before God and tell Him I did everything to build His Kingdom and reminded His children of who they are, their importance and that they have a Father that Loves them perfectly. I want to thank Him for the trials that were set before me that He knew I could overcome them if I strengthened my light and looked to him. He sent us here to make us better and have Faith in Him. I want my Heavenly Father to look at me and say "Well done my good and faithful servant".

1.Take responsibility for your own spiritual well-being.
      -Stop justifying, Stop making Excuses
      -The Lord knows our circumstances perfectly well whether you simply choose not to fully live the Gospel.

2. Take responsibility for you own physical well-being.
      -Our body is a temple. You have to take care of the outside as well as within.
      -"Spiritual confidence increases when your spirit, with the help of the Savior, is truly in charge of the natural man."
      -The spirit wants what the natural man does not. If you have a good feeling act on it asap.

3.Embrace voluntary, wholehearted obedience as part of your life.
      - "You cannot love God without also loving His commandments"
      -Do things for the right reason "requireth the heart and a willing mind"
      -Go to church with a question, open your heart and mind to what is being taught. Go wanting to learn something instead of just being present.
       -"Spiritual Confidence increases when you are truly striving for the right reasons, to live a consecrated life inspite of your imperfections."

4. Become really, really good at repenting thoroughly and quickly.
      -"Spiritual Confidence increases when you voluntarily and joyfully repent of sins, both small and great, In real time by applying the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
5. Become really, really good at forgiving.
      -Don't hold grudges, don't be easily offended, forgive and forget quickly, and don't ever think that you are exempt from this commandment.
     -"I the Lord will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men."
 (D&C 64:10)

6.Accept trials, set backs, and surprises as part of your mortal experience. 
      -You are here to be proved and tested, "To see if you will do all things whatsoever the Lord your God shall command you." (Abraham 3:25
      -When you going through a trial look to the heavens and say "I understand, Lord. I know what this is. A time to prove myself, isn't it?" Then partner with him to endure well to the end.
      -Acknowledge and face your weaknesses, but don't be immobilized by them, because some of them will be your companions until you depart this earth.  
      -The very moment you voluntarily choose honest, joyful, daily repentance by striving to simply do and be your very best, the Saviors atonement envelops and follows you, as it were, wherever you go. 
Love,   Sis Rees


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