Week #12 - Look to God and Live!

Its been a great week here in Canada:) 
This week we were going around putting up Free English posters and an asian man was looking over our shoulders as we were taping them on poles and I turned and he was right behind me hah he said he was trying to see what we were putting up and we said we taught free english and he asked if we knew of any religious groups for 20-25 year olds to meet on sundays hahah how could you not say God is real? Sister Smith and I lit up i'm sure America saw us glowing and we told him about our church and invited him to come. 

When it rains in Canada it really rains hahah we were out contacting and it was so dramatic the wind was blowing and it was just coming down hah it was so fun though we went to a bus station and talked to some people it was a good time. 

Its unreal how much the mission has changed me hahh litterally has triggered all of my emotions to the dot. I've felt things i've never felt before and I've learned things I would have never ever learned if I didn't come out. I've definityly learned how real and strong Light really is. Its a legit thing. I've also every where I go and everything I study relates to the tree of life. I know God is showing me this to try and help me with things and I've learned so many new things about it. Its so crazy how God knows all theres no reason to be afraid or worry. As long as we do what he asks everything will fall into place. I've learned that if you really want something you pray and ask for assistance and it literally works. 

Thanks for the Love and prayers I can tell you right now that from your prayers I've felt my spirit strengthen. Prayer is so important to me and I've seen how strong it really is. So thank you so much for that. 

Scriptures of the week:
Alma 37:47
*  "See that ye look to God and Live"

Mosiah 5:15, 1 Timothy 4:12, Joshua 1:9 (Standing as a Witness of God) 
*  "Ye should be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works." 
*  "Be thou an example to the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." 
*  "Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whitersoever thou goest."

1 Nephi 20:18
*  "Thy peace has been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea."

Love,  Sis Rees


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