Week #77 - Red Doors and Pink Flowers

A little more about Efe's baptism 2 weeks ago -

Efe Omamohwo was Baptized and Confirmed September 28th and 29th.
Owen gave a talk on Baptism and Claire gave one on the Holy Ghost and then Claire and Serena sang 'I'm trying to be like Jesus' together. The last sang that we all sang was families can be together forever. 

Efe bore his testimony the Sunday he was confirmed about how he received a blessing to quit drinking coffee and he said after the blessing he had no desire to drink coffee. 
Something that was amazing to see was that Efe and Juliet put their wedding rings back on.  They both are working together better than they ever have and look so much happier than they did when I first met them.  Efe will be receiving the Priesthood soon. They are working toward getting sealed in the TEMPLE!!

We were walking down the road reactivating and contacting and we saw this women and her husband walking their dog. We asked them if they knew anyone we could do service for and they pointed to a home down the street. We went over and the man just let us in.  We were so confused and then his wife walked in and about had a heart attack. We found out later that the man has dementia and this has happened before. We told her we met some people and they said to come here.  We introduced ourselves as missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and asked if we could help them in any way.  It was fun to visit with them.  We came back a few days later and helped trim and prepare their beautiful bushes for the winter. 

I was reading the 4th Missionary and it talked about how God's will can become my will when I consecrate myself. 

Oct 2  - We chose a theme today of Red doors and Pink flowers. Every door that had either we would knock on it. We brought Claire and Serena with us and they loved it!!  We sang beauty and the beast and the sound of music as they danced to each house in the rain. They asked if they could come back and dance for everyone and do a talent show. 

Oct 3  - Saw a cardinal in the window and remembered that Grandma Reeder is around helping me. 
Had dinner with the Omamohwo's.  Juliet would say "EAT, EAT" hahha so I had to eat more than my stomach was ready for. 

Beauty vs. Practical. In decision making. 

Oct 4 - Went to dinner with Sister Zelenko and "Heart Attacked" a door.

Oct 5 - "she molds living clay to her hopes" -Elder Eyring 
watched conference at the Omamohwos home

Oct 6 - Conference was amazing!!

More later, 
LOVE, Sister Rees 


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