Week #80 - We Share the Message and Joy of Christ!

My fingers are just struggling with writing!!  Talking is sooo much better!!  So forgive me, this is a quick note!

On Sunday, Efe and Owen sat together on the bench waiting to pass the sacrament.  Efe was beaming as he walked row by row and handed the tray to the members.  It was fun to look at Owen and see his eyes looking over at his Dad almost as if he was checking to make sure his dad did everything right.  I love seeing this family progress! 

We met with Fernando and taught him 4 different lessons!  With each invitation he committed and said he would live it!  Sunday he came to church - he is excited to be baptized this Saturday.  

One of the other workers named Carlos is interested and we taught him again.  Arnesto does not have interest.  Jose has been out of town, but will be meeting with us this week!  

We have had the Patriarch - he served a Spanish mission, the 2 boys Raphel & Andrew (Elizabeth's sons)  have also done alot of the translating.  Everyone is so willing to help!

We continue to see so many miracles!! Afrer a dinner appointment we went tracting.  A woman answered the door.  She is an older lady that is Hindu & Indian.  She lives with her son & daughter.  We taught her the Restoration.  In our conversation we learned that she already prays to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ.  Then she mentioned she has been reading the Bible.  She wants to learn more and her daughter has interest to learn as well!

We still meet some creepy people every once in a while.  We get away from them quick and we know we are being protected.  It has been harder to sleep because of my excitement to see you, but my struggle knowing I will leave these people.  They feel like family!!  

Every day, All day we are sharing the message and Joy of Christ!!

Love You, 
Sister Rees


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