Week #19 - Hard Week!

We sure missed Madison yesterday for CJ's Farewell. Thanks for all your support for both Madison & CJ. This is one of those hard letters to read, but we know she is being watched over. Please keep both of them in your prayers. That is so fun! If CJ has his talk written out do you think you could send it to me? I'm not doing to well. I've been really sick these last few days and haven't been able to keep anything in my stomach. I'm so drained and feel so weak. The last 2 weeks I've been praying for Patience and Diligence and got the best of it and just recently have been praying to lose myself. God is testing me in every area you could image. All I can do is sit down and cry and get up and keep going. Yesterday, God brought me so much peace. I was asked to give a talk on the Holy Ghost and everyday this week when I'd go to prepare there was always something that got in the way. Then on Sunday I got up and talked for 20 minutes...