
Showing posts from November, 2018

Week #32 - Love One Another as Jesus Loves You

This week has been pretty good here in Kingston.  We've had a difficult time finding and so we've been doing a lot of tracting. We came across this home with a man named Michael. He is from Bethlehem and is open to learning, but still strong to his beliefs. We talked to him for a little and I felt impressed to bring up baptism.  So I laid it down and then he backed off and got defensive and I kinda thought that was the end of teaching him, but then he wanted us to come back?! I'm excited about that:)  Never have I ever had so much food in my life. We had 4 Thanksgiving dinners that were SO good!  Funny funny my companion Sister Clark  #1 She is the greatest. I love her.  #2 She talks in her sleep all the time. hahah!  The first night I met her it was 2 am and she rolled over and started teaching a lesson. hah!  It honestly scared me.  Then at random times she sits up and prays.  It is so funny and probably the greatest thing ever.  Yesterday was Sunda

Week #31 JOY to the World

Kinda bumbed. Everyone we've been teaching has dropped us.  There's no progression, and we are having a hard time finding.  Even though nothing has worked out I've learned the importance of looking for the blessings, that even when everything falls apart all you can do is look around at the Joys that God has given to us . The sunset, beautiful snow, we can share the happy message of Jesus Christ over and over.  Hah, I love it!! Invitation : Everyday for 21 days write down 5 (legitimate things, be honest with yourself) that you are Grateful for . I won't tell you the blessings behind it because it is a lot funner to figure it out for yourself.  Quote of the day : "True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior." Read the Book or Mormon every morning, everyday.  Becoming like God: God is Happiness and Love. Co

Week #30 - He Proves the Sincerity of His Love! (2 Corinthians 8:8-9)

Kingston Bridge Kingston is amazing:)  I absolutely love the branch I serve in. It's pretty big for being a branch but everyone is involved and works together.  Sister Clark and I go to sister Brown's home every p-day and Knit with her (favorite hobby).   The Leaves are beautiful here - this is a picture I found to portray it. Also I LOVE raking leaves! We've done a lot of it at Suzie’s and Sister Pearsall’s home and what's even better is we've had a chance to stop and talk to people as we're doing it. I am so very blessed to have Sister Clark as my companion!! When we're together finding, teaching, or visiting returning members I can always feel the spirit there. We're both here with the same goal in mind and it's made the work so enjoyable!! Currently we are struggling with finding. I've taken the challenge from Elder Shakespeare and testified to anyone I see about Jesus Christ. Brampton Ontario Temple

Week #29 So Much Knowledge...

Yesterday we taught this boy named Ryan that Sister Hansen and I met. We brought 2 YSA with us and as we taught him.  He said he was looking for a sign from God and then Sister Hansen and I ran into him.  He was so open and accepting.  We taught him the Restoration and he had a lot of questions about the Plan of Salvation. Chayse (one of the YSA) shared how he came to know the Book of Mormon was true. He said his parents raised him in the church but he didn't believe or understand it. He said that he asked God if it was true and there was no answer. Later in life he got his answer but he said he truly didn't have the desire in his heart to change. God probably knew if he gave him that answer then he would continue on his way. But when Chayse was willing to give up his knowledge, his likes, and his will for God's will that is when he got his answer.  D&C 10:63   In it it says that Satan will stir up the heart of the people and this will cause them to wres