
Showing posts from January, 2019

Week #41 - Love Is Most Important!

This week has been very good!!  We called some people on the phone that we felt had potential to being ready to hear the gospel.  A man named Stephen, answered and said he was interested. We started talking to him over the phone while he was at work about the importance of the Book of Mormon and the role it plays. We came over to teach him about the Restoration and on the way over I slipped on the ice and fell up the driveway, hah!!  We were laughing so hard that by the time I got to the door we were smiling so big!! hah it worked out great.=)  We've been doing a lot of teaching and tons of tracting.  The last few days we have seen lots of success!  We had dinner last night with a member from Italy and I actually knew his daughter that lived in Kingston. Before we left, he told us something very important (that hasn't left my mind) about how important love is. He said that the most important thing you can do is to love your companion.  No matter how hard you try and n

Week #40 - The COLD won't stop us from the WORK!!

Sister Devos from Kingston Ajax is Amazing!! We're staying in a members home and It is so nice! I'm doing really good :) I love Sister Tebbs!  This week in Pickering we actually have found quite a few potentials! We are currently teaching someone named Derrick Wayne. We're trying to think of creative ways to find people. Our ward Mission Leader is Brother Brady and he came with us to visit someone we're teaching, and then we brought his wife on Saturday to visit another person we are teaching. I haven't introduced my self to the Family History Consultant, yet but I hope to meet them and use them as a resource too. There's a lot more snow! It's -22 degrees Celsius!! (which means -7.6 degrees Fahrenheit, plus humidity!!) I read this poem and loved it! In His Hands - by Heather Kyle Clay. Limp. Shapeless. Yet with potential. The Masters kind heart. Loving eyes see what I can become. Slowly, he works. sculpting mo

Week #39 - See that You LOOK to God and LIVE!

Today is Transfers!  My favorite Sister Clark is training! Best of Luck to her   I'm leaving beautiful Kingston and all the wonderful friends I've made.  I am going to Pickering, it's in Ajax and my companion is Sister Tebbs.   Sister Tebbs   I love Kingston so much !! Here's an update:  Jeremy , has frequently been coming to church and we've taught him all 3 lessons and the next lesson Sister Clark will help set a date and help him work towards quitting smoking.  Sister Clarks Aunt, Stephanie Nelsen (at is helping us with our lessons!! (without even knowing it!)   A woman named Mary that I mentioned to you follows her blog.  Mary noticed a picture of Stephanie and her kids reading the Book of Mormon . We visited with Mary this week and she told us she felt compelled to read it! She also initiated a pinky promise that she would!  Lionel , also felt compelled to read the Book of Mormon ! Hahh!!  He and Mary both said &q

Week #38 - Clay In His Hands

This week has been so great!  I Love you DAD!! We were contacting and met a man named Jeremy a few weeks ago.  He came to church with us yesterday and wants to work towards being baptized!  LOVE the Lights Downtown Courtney came to church as well and we both went up together to bear our testimonies of the love we have for our Savior and our plan on earth.  We visited Shirley last night and she was wearing a bright yellow shirt with an orange button up which totally matched her personality! I started singing you are my sunshine and she tagged along hahh  S ister Clark won't let me say prayers at her home anymore because EVERY TIME I PRAY she will either yell "Praise the Lord" "yes Lord" or "Amen".  So last time, I tried to say a prayer without so much love and motivation and I almost whispered it so she wouldn't hear what I was saying -but hahh!  All the sudden I hear this whisper "Yes, Lord Yes..." hahahh.