
Showing posts from September, 2019

Week #76 - Thanks be to Christ for His Power, His Love, and His Grace!

EFE was Baptized on Saturday!    It was amazing!  The Spirit was so strong.  He had made mistakes with his family.  He made choices that hurt his wife.  When we met Juliet and Efe they were separated and living in different cities.  Through their choice to Follow the Savior and keep the commitments (commandments) they have changed.  They found a way to forgive one another and to allow the other person to change.  They put their Love for God higher than themselves and they are different people because of it!!  Thanks be to God for His Power, His Love, and His Grace!! I see Efe and Juliet in the Temple with their 3 children!  I see generations changing because of these choices.  I see their ancestors shouting for joy that they too can be brought to Christ through His ordinances.   I am feeling constant Joy!!  It bursts from every part of my being!!  How grateful I am to be a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and carry with me Christ's name!  Love, Sis

Week #75 - Don't Leave My House A Mess!

I am so grateful to be in Burlington for my 5th transfer, and last transfer on my mission. I also am companions with Sister Pearson still who I love so much Sept 16  Monday evening we did a tree of life activity with Sister Mifsud and her 11 year old daughter, Sister Anstee, Karen, and Ethan. We took then into the primary room and blind folded them. We read the story in 1 Nephi 8 and then had all the lights in the church off and led them through. It was very fun! At the end we needed to take Karen and Ethan's bike to there house.  It was too far and late for them to ride home. Members took them in their car and we took the bikes and were taking Sister Anstee home as well. It was almost past our curfew and so we left everything up in the church and said we would come back tomorrow. We tried leaving the first time and the door wouldn't let us lock it. We went in to check if we had everything then tried a second time. It wouldn't lock. Then we went ba

Week #74 - Blessing after Blessing!

Here is my week!  We had some amazing experiences with so many people!  What a blessing! Sept 11 We were on our way home for dinner and saw a women pushing a stroller with her 2 children. I felt prompted to talk to them so we parked our car and basically ran to them before they left hahha her name was Reilly and her 2 sons David, Jay from Africa. We shared the Restoration and she was shocked when we said that Jesus Christ visited the people in the Americas. She has a strong belief in the church she is in but was interested in what we shared.  Sept 12 Today we were tracting and a women said she attends the Ukraine church. Then I asked if she was from Ukrania hahah Sept 13 We went to visit Sister Anstee and after we tracted her neighborhood. We went around and no one was letting us in. We went around the corner and saw someone outside going to the door and then thought it was a mail man. We went up to him and shared that we were missionaries an

Week #73 - Efe is getting Baptized!! The Whole Family will be together!!

My Mission President allows each missionary to go to the big city of Toronto to visit before they leave the mission.  So we traveled there this past week.  I still have to download pictures and get them to you later, but it was so fun to see!  But confusing to try and find our way around.  It was definitely an adventure!!  EFE (Juliet's husband) has committed for Baptism!  We have been meeting regularly with him to help him prepare.  He has had many questions and has needed some time to make some decisions.  He really wants to be with his family forever, so he is doing all he can.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ changes people - I see it right before my eyes!  What an absolute miracle!! He is getting baptized on September 28th!  We will have transfers right before, so I am not sure if I will be here, but the family has mentioned they want to come to Utah to meet all of you and visit!   I love training Sister Pearson.  She is wonderful and we get along so great!  She acts o

Week #72 - Niagra Falls again!
