
Week #81 - Love You Burlington!!

October 27th - Serena did her very last primary program and will be going to Young Women's this January! We knocked on a door and Kirna a mother visiting from India answered the door. We said we were sharing a message about Jesus Christ. She said "Jesus Christ?" "Come in" as we talked to her she said that she was praying for her husband in India that he would have water and she said God blessed him with it. She was so grateful we came and fed us food she was making for her family. October 30th - Tonight we went late night tracting and had many pass along cards and were going to hand them all out before 9pm. We handed every single one out but still had 5 min. I reached into my bag not looking and pulled put a card! We went to the closest home with lights on. We knocked and then a man in the basement opened the door and jumped back he didn't realize we were there. We shared the Book of Mormon and testified of Hope. He said he

Week #80 - We Share the Message and Joy of Christ!

My fingers are just struggling with writing!!  Talking is sooo much better!!  So forgive me, this is a quick note! On Sunday, Efe and Owen sat together on the bench waiting to pass the sacrament.  Efe was beaming as he walked row by row and handed the tray to the members.  It was fun to look at Owen and see his eyes looking over at his Dad almost as if he was checking to make sure his dad did everything right.  I love seeing this family progress!  We met with Fernando and taught him 4 different lessons!  With each invitation he committed and said he would live it!  Sunday he came to church - he is excited to be baptized this Saturday.   One of the other workers named Carlos is interested and we taught him again.  Arnesto does not have interest.  Jose has been out of town, but will be meeting with us this week!   We have had the Patriarch - he served a Spanish mission, the 2 boys Raphel & Andrew (Elizabeth's sons)  have also done alot of the transla

Week #79 - What an Amazing Experience this Week!

Guess What?  You will not believe it?  We met, taught, and committed a man to be baptized on November 2nd!   Just 4 days before I return home!! Here is the story: A member in our ward here has a company and has hired 3 men for work for so many months.  They introduced us to all three men.  They have come to church a few times since working for them.  Anyway, they only speak Spanish!  So to teach them we had to call President Ensign and get permission and we had to talk to our Bishop to see if we could go forward and teach them.  They both said, "Go for it!" The member introduced us and then we set up an appointment with them, an Elder who speaks Spanish and the members.  So we have 3 men that we are teaching.  So pause in this story and I will be back.... The day after we set up the appointment with these 3 men we decided to call on some people that we had not talked to for awhile.  We called a number and it was a different person - Jose answered.  So we started to

Week #78 - I am Grateful to be a Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!

I am filling out paperwork and write-ups about stories and experiences from my time here in Toronto Canada.  They want us to submit some.  Instead of a letter I will just let you know that I am preparing to share my last testimony with the mission at our Zone Conference this week.  I can't believe it is already here!  Wow!  How do you put into words the love I have for the people here and the gratitude I have for my Heavenly Father to give me this opportunity to serve!  From where I started to where I am is incredible at how much Love I have felt from my Heavenly Father and Peace and Joy I have felt because of the Savior.  The Spirit has been my dear friend and companion.  I am grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! Love, Madison

Week #77 - Red Doors and Pink Flowers

A little more about Efe's baptism 2 weeks ago - Efe Omamohwo was Baptized and Confirmed September 28th and 29th. Owen gave a talk on Baptism and Claire gave one on the Holy Ghost and then Claire and Serena sang 'I'm trying to be like Jesus' together. The last sang that we all sang was families can be together forever.  Efe bore his testimony the Sunday he was confirmed about how he received a blessing to quit drinking coffee and he said after the blessing he had no desire to drink coffee.  Something that was amazing to see was that Efe and Juliet put their wedding rings back on.  They both are working together better than they ever have and look so much happier than they did when I first met them.  Efe will be receiving the Priesthood soon. They are working toward getting sealed in the TEMPLE!! We were walking down the road reactivating and contacting and we saw this women and her husband walking their dog. We asked them if they knew anyone w

Week #76 - Thanks be to Christ for His Power, His Love, and His Grace!

EFE was Baptized on Saturday!    It was amazing!  The Spirit was so strong.  He had made mistakes with his family.  He made choices that hurt his wife.  When we met Juliet and Efe they were separated and living in different cities.  Through their choice to Follow the Savior and keep the commitments (commandments) they have changed.  They found a way to forgive one another and to allow the other person to change.  They put their Love for God higher than themselves and they are different people because of it!!  Thanks be to God for His Power, His Love, and His Grace!! I see Efe and Juliet in the Temple with their 3 children!  I see generations changing because of these choices.  I see their ancestors shouting for joy that they too can be brought to Christ through His ordinances.   I am feeling constant Joy!!  It bursts from every part of my being!!  How grateful I am to be a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and carry with me Christ's name!  Love, Sis