Guess What? You will not believe it? We met, taught, and committed a man to be baptized on November 2nd! Just 4 days before I return home!! Here is the story: A member in our ward here has a company and has hired 3 men for work for so many months. They introduced us to all three men. They have come to church a few times since working for them. Anyway, they only speak Spanish! So to teach them we had to call President Ensign and get permission and we had to talk to our Bishop to see if we could go forward and teach them. They both said, "Go for it!" The member introduced us and then we set up an appointment with them, an Elder who speaks Spanish and the members. So we have 3 men that we are teaching. So pause in this story and I will be back.... The day after we set up the appointment with these 3 men we decided to call on some people that we had not talked to for awhile. We called a number and it was a di...