
Showing posts from July, 2018

Week #15 - The Power of Forgiveness

Hi All!      Just this week we were on our way to visit an investigator and everything was going wrong. We missed our turn 3 times and ended up at the airport.  The member told us the wrong address and not to mention his phone didn't receive texts and they were on the bus to the destination but when they were calling us it was so scratchy and you couldn't hear anything. By the time we got there it was 8:40 so we only had 10 minutes before we had to turn around and go home. Once we arrived at our appointment, the spirit was so strong and we were able to set him on date for baptism. Satan knew that would happen and so he did everything he could to stop it. During that process there were so many times I could've gotten impatient and mad but I stopped and knew I was being tested so I looked at everything positive, the goods that were going on. If we would've given up and turned we may not of had such a spiritual experience and wouldn't of h

Week #14 - Rotten Milk & Cow Tongue

I'm doing awesome!! The Asian man never came to church. We hope to catch up with him or run into him again.  We have 4 new people we've been teaching and Kassandra is getting baptized on  August 12th!  We have met with many less actives too.   Honeslty, if you could pray for anything it would be for me to be Diligent. Its hard to be Diligent when one week goes so good and the next everyone cancels on you. I've been studying a lot about it and will do everything I can to be diligent in all things.  Fast week like always with tons of things happening but half of them I can't remember hah. Highlight of our week was the food though.The texture of this nice cow tongue was rubbery just like a tongue hah but tasted like any other meat. Its alright though because the Elders had the other end of the cow. Not the back side but where the digested food comes out of. Also I was making oatmeal the other day and ran out of my almond milk so I decided

Week #13 - Make Your Own Heaven!

  Thats so awesome that cj had people to talk to from Mozambique!!!! Cj is going to be such a good missionary:) I can't wait until Cj goes out and experiences the Joys of being a missionary and see how much he changes. Its unreal how much I've seen myself change in only 3 months. I love you lots!! thank you for your messages it really helps charge me up!! As we were driving home from Lakeshore it came to my head that everyone lives in this world and that we may have chosen how we can make it better. Even though all of us are on the same earth we ourselves can choose to make it better. So why not wake up everyday and smile?? Heavens going to be what you make of it. So why not choose right now to make it great:)  While we were at Lakeshore we were heading back to our car and 2 Christian women approached us and had cards they were handing out so we took one and gave them one of ours.:) They were so sweet and asked about our religion and how it is

Week #12 - Look to God and Live!

Its been a great week here in Canada:)  This week we were going around putting up Free English posters and an asian man was looking over our shoulders as we were taping them on poles and I turned and he was right behind me hah he said he was trying to see what we were putting up and we said we taught free english and he asked if we knew of any religious groups for 20-25 year olds to meet on sundays hahah how could you not say God is real? Sister Smith and I lit up i'm sure America saw us glowing and we told him about our church and invited him to come.  When it rains in Canada it really rains hahah we were out contacting and it was so dramatic the wind was blowing and it was just coming down hah it was so fun though we went to a bus station and talked to some people it was a good time.  Its unreal how much the mission has changed me hahh litterally has triggered all of my emotions to the dot. I've felt things i've never felt before and I

Week #11 - Thanks Be To God :)

Where do I began?? Life's great,Gods amazing. Yesterday was Canada Day!! Sister Smith and I had thee best view from our apartment and saw so many fireworks! We pulled our beds out by the window because we don't have an AC unit and its (90* Degrees out side) so we took our 4 fans and surrounded them around us and put an ice pack around our heads and tied it on hahah but not only was it hot it was very humid so we didn't let that heat go to waste. We rolled out our yoga mats and did hot yoga hahah it defiantly worked. We woke up the next morning and I wish I would've taken a picture of ourselves hahah we were literally dripping the whole back of my shirt was wet and water was dripping down my face. Our alarm went off at  6:30  and I got up to turn it off and completely biffed it hahah we were dehydrated but we fixed that. The Olsen's came over to check out our place and then called into the mission office so we had the Elderly Couples come in and bought