
Showing posts from April, 2019

Week #54 - "Spread Love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving Happier." - Mother Teresa

We have had a great week!  Many funny experiences.  We are still visiting Jose.  We are meeting with him again this next week.  My Mission President was a bit surprised and amazed when we reported the 91 Bible referrals to him!!  Getting a referral is like gold.  The people are at least open to something that you have to say when you meet with them.  We are hoping to find more ways to get some referrals.  Out of the 91 - we only had 3 in our area!!   We went to visit Sister Conway this week for our weekly Dinner Appt. It came to a close and she gave us Ice Cream and I went to use the washroom. Right as I got up to leave the kitchen it turns out she followed right behind and went into the other room. I came back and Sister Conway was sitting in a rocking chair right next to the door reading about Queen Elizabeth and I jumped back and said 'whoa Hi'.  I asked her where my companion was and there Sister Farnsworth was eating her ice cream all alone hahh.  Sister

Week #53 - Easter Referrals!!

Last Week : Sister Woon, Sister Farnsworth and I were asked to fill up the baptismal font for an 8 year old to be baptized. It was at the Oakville Chapel and this was our first time finding it this transfer.  The area was blue washed (Take out the Elders and put Sisters in). We turned on the font and decided we would go get lunch because the Elders said it took 2 hours. We left and got Indian food and it took awhile. We drove back and walked up to the door and realized WE LEFT THE KEYS IN THE CHAPEL.  While the water was on full blast we looked for the Relief Society president who said she would come earlier to fill the rest of the font because we had to leave for an appointment in Hamilton. She was not even close and was panicking and looking through numbers and said go to the Bishops home! We drove to his home and he opened the door and welcomed us in and asked if we would like to come sit down. Sister Woon said "We would love to, but the baptismal font is filling and o

Week #52 - Burlington is Beautiful!

Burlington is Beautiful!    We are close to Lake Ontario. Sister Farnsworth is my companion and Sister Woon joined us because her companion is coming from the MTC that she will be training! She is a Chinese sister. Next week I'll for sure be able to talk to you! Today was just busy.  President gave me a blessing and asked what my parents called me and I said Mai. So he started the blessing saying Sister Madison also known as Mai Ann Rees! It felt so wonderful! I received a long message this morning from Sister Kelly about Juliana from Pickering! Juliana is someone we taught that had a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. Meeting with her was like the talk President Hinckley gave, "This Thing Was Not Done In A Corner" w hen he was being interviewed by Mr. Wallace.  Sister Kelly said that she has been thinking about Juliana for a while after we had to drop her. Anyway, she went over to Juliana's home and shared scriptures with her that Juliana has ne

Week #51 - Transfer News!

Sister KELLY :) TRANSFER NEWS... Sister Rees is going to Burlington and Sister Kelly is staying in Ajax. More change!! The funny thing is I was hoping to stay and Sister Kelly was feeling like she would be leaving! I am training in my new area too! I guess more people to learn from as a Missionary. This week has been good! We dropped by Mark yesterday and gave him a Chastity pamphlet and invited him to study it before we see him. While we were there he said when he gets a home he wants us to come over "and we can have Lasagna and Kool Aid" hahh, he's so funny. I wish I could just record him and send a video over. We went "finding" by the Lake and were able to hit our goal of OYM's or 15+ people and we handed out 6 Book of Mormons. That was probably my favorite day this week! It was so peaceful, with the waves and being able to talk to so many different people. We also saw Veterans point Gardens and we were looking for anyone with our las

Week #50 Dankbarkeit (GRATITUDE)

Hello Mom, Dad and Kaden! I love you and miss You!  It's been hard with Mark and Stephen these last few days. After having them both commit to living the word of wisdom they've been tested and are feeling that Godly sorrow. We have been staying in contact with Mark daily, but Stephen doesn't ever use his phone so we have been dropping by.  We were walking back from an appointment  and met Sephora ! She was the only one that was on the path where we crossed over and we talked to her and she was so excited! We gave her a Book of Mormon and got her number. Yesterday we texted her to see if we could make an appointment to meet with her and she said she was so happy we reached out to her, she said she has been reading the Book of Mormon and wants to learn more: ,) yay   D&C 4:5 - If we will live as the Savior, He will qualify you for the work.  We had a scary experience this week of 2 men following us in their car. It lasted for over 45 min. I had the